Published: 12-17-08
Former Legislator Will Become VP and General Counsel
Austin Texas – Corbin Van Arsdale has been named the Vice President and General Counsel for the AGC Texas Building Branch effective November 3 2008. Van Arsdale served as state representative for House District 130 in the Houston area from January 2003 until his recent resignation having served on the important Appropriations Calendars and State Affairs Committees.
“I’m excited about working on construction issues for AGC. They have over 3000 members around the state and are a crucial component of the Texas economy” said Van Arsdale. “They have a strong bipartisan statewide PAC and are a solid group of folks.
They’re concerned about the future of Texas and have specifically identified workforce development as an important issue. Early on AGC recognized the need to solve the impending workforce shortage as Texas continues to grow and as baby boomers retire. AGC will be leading the ‘Jobs for Texas’ coalition effort to ensure that an adequate workforce exists to build the Texas infrastructure required to support our growing state economy.”
“We are excited to add Corbin to our staff. His public service record is without a blemish and he has demonstrated time and again that he is an effective leader who works well with both sides of the aisle and is highly respected by legislators” said Michael Chatron President of the AGC Texas Building Branch. “His integrity and foresight on issues will help in leading AGC legislative efforts at the Capitol on behalf of the commercial building industry.”
AGC Texas Building Branch has represented the commercial building industry since 1974 and has eighteen local member offices across the state.