Principled Respected Conservative Leader Unveils Endorsement on Web Site

(Plano TX) U.S. Representative Jeb Hensarling one of the nations leading voices for conservatives has announced his support for Republican Van Taylor in Texas State House District 66. Said Hensarling Having known Van Taylor for almost 10 years I enthusiastically endorse his candidacy and support him in his fight for conservative values in Austin.
Having spent a lifetime serving the conservative cause Van would make an immediate impact in the Texas House. He has worked hard as a grassroots leader and has proven time and time again to be a strong and consistent conservative voice. Van is a Plano businessman who understands economic opportunity comes from small business not big government. He served all of us as a Marine Corps Officer in Iraq and he will take that same devotion to Austin Hensarling added.
Taylor thanked Hensarling for his endorsement and service to the conservative cause in Washington.
Its an honor to have Jebs strong and dedicated support" said Taylor. Jeb is an outspoken conservative leader who has never backed down in his support for the taxpayers and our shared conservative values. He is as strong a conservative voice you can find in Washington and I am honored to have his support in my run for state representative."
Hensarling is widely regarded as one of the most conservative members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Having been dubbed Rep. Budget Reform for his work to reign-in wasteful government spending deficits and debt Congressman Hensarling has received National Taxpayers Unions highest award the coveted Taxpayer Friend for five consecutive years. Congressman Hensarling twice earned the second-highest pro-taxpayer score and averages fourth-highest in the entire House throughout his career. According to NTUs Bill Tally Congressman Hensarling has amassed the first or second most taxpayer-friendly spending agenda in each Congress he has served.
Americans for Tax Reform has recognized Congressman Hensarling with a 97 lifetime voting record and awarded him with their highest award the Hero of the Taxpayer each year hes served in Congress.
Congressman Hensarling has a 100 lifetime score in the Club for Growths Congressional Scorecard one of only two members in the entire House of Representatives with a perfect score in each year the Club began scoring congressional votes.
A successful businessman decorated Marine Officer and lifelong conservative Van married Anne after his return from Iraq and are the proud parents of Laura 5 Helen 3 and three-month old Susie. Van and his family reside in Plano near the land which his great-grandfather farmed during the Great Depression.
Taylor has received the TeaApproved label from the North Texas Tea Party. More information on Mr. Taylor can be found at