(Plano) - In another indication of the growing momentum in his campaign Van Taylor announced earlier today the endorsement of 20 Republican Precinct Chairs in House District 66 including all six Republican precinct chairs that previously supported Wayne Richard during the primary.
Taylor also announced the endorsement of the Collin County Conservative Republicans one of the fastest-growing Republican organizations in the county.
I worked hard campaigning for Wayne in the primary. Now it is imperative that conservatives rally around Van Taylor as the only true conservative in the race" said Daniel Rudd Republican Chair for Precinct 123 and former Richard supporter.
Mabrie Jackson is a moderate at best and her negative campaign has been funded by Austin lobbyists and special interest groups that are typically committed to electing Democrats. Wayne Richard won my precinct in the primary and I look forward to working just as hard to deliver each of those Wayne votes to Van" Rudd said.

Mary Carl Finkelstein another former Richard supporter and Republican Precinct 107 Chair added The way Mabrie Jackson conducted herself during the final weeks of the campaign I cant imagine any Wayne supporters pulling the lever for her. Her negative campaign and character assassination falsely attacked the true conservatives in order to hide her own moderate record.
Plano conservatives are smart enough to see through her mudslinging and they are well aware of her moderate record during her partial term on Plano City Council as well as the lineup of Austin special interest groups supporting and funding her campaign" Finkelstein said.
These precinct chair endorsements come after Wayne Richard formally endorsed Taylor via a press release and email to his supporters. Taylor now has the endorsement of a majority of local Republican precinct chairs.
After supporting Wayne Richard I am proud to announce my endorsement of Van Taylor the only conservative remaining in this race" said Collin County Conservative Republicans Board Member Katherine Park.
Van Taylor has served his country as a U.S. Marine and he will serve us well in Austin. He ran an honorable campaign which focused on the issues while Mabrie Jackson launched vicious negative attacks that cheapened our political discourse. I urge all supporters of Wayne to join me in helping to elect Van Taylor" Park said.
Said Taylor of his their comments I am truly humbled by this outpouring of support. Conservatives recognize the stark contrast and clear

ideological differences facing Plano voters in the April 13 runoff election. The momentum behind our campaign is building each day as conservatives across Plano are uniting to fight the moderate record and negative campaign tactics of the Jackson campaign."
Jackson gathered 41 of the 13682 votes cast. However the two conservatives and Tea Party Approved candidates Taylor and Richard split the remaining 59 with Taylor receiving 33.5 and Richard 25.5.
Taylor has now earned the endorsement of every major conservative organization which has endorsed in this race including the:
- Texans for Fiscal Responsibility PAC
Young Conservatives of Texas
- Texas Right to Life
- Texas Alliance for Life
- Texas Home School Coalition
- Conservative Republicans of Texas
- Conservative Hispanic Society and the
- Coalition for Better Government
Taylor has also received an A Rating" from the National Rifle Association and Texas State Rifle Association. He is the only candidate in the runoff with the TeaApproved label from the North Texas Tea Party.
Conversely Jackson has courted the support of many Austin Political Action Committees some of whom including the:
- Texas State Teachers Association and
- Texas Parent PAC
Both have well-known reputations for supporting Democrats and liberal policies Taylor said
Republican Precinct Chairs in TX-66 that have endorsed Taylor for Texas House District 66 include:
- Tim Heeney Precinct 15*
- Michael Watson Precinct 19
- Dan Panetti Precinct 28*
- Carlos Amaral Precinct 34
- John Myers Precinct 64
- Gregory Knapp Precinct 75*
- Clyde Goodnight Precinct 76
- Bobby Pelerose Precinct 81
- Mitch Easley Precinct 86
- Mary Carl Finkelstein Precinct 107*
- Peter Laws Precinct 109
- Jim Bright Precinct 116
- Shannon Burchett Precinct 119
- Mohamed Elibiary Precinct 121
- Daniel Rudd Precinct 123*
- Deinde Peters Precinct 135
- Mark Greer Precinct 137
- Thomas Harrison Precinct 139
- Eric Flores Precinct 167
- David Hall Precinct 176
* Indicates former Wayne Richard supporter.
A successful businessman decorated Marine Officer and lifelong conservative Taylor married his wife Anne after his return from Iraq. Residing in Plano near the land which his great-grandfather farmed during the Great Depression they are parents of Laura 5 Helen 4 and five-month old Susie.