Wake Up America! Lets Get After Our Business

By Adrian Murray 912 Ft. Worth Project width=71If we are really dying let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive let us go about our business."  Henry David Thoreau The April 15 Tea Parties have come and gone.  The last speaker has spoken the stages and sound systems have been taken down.  The signs now occupy space near the spare tire in car trunks all across America.  Surely this will take time to play out.   Like a child at the County Fair we reveled in the sugar high of patriotism and protest pundits and platitudes and awoke this morning to an America quite possibly in its final throes the echo of a death rattle still ringing loudly in our ears. The signs will reappear on July 4th and August 28th and September 12th and at other dates sprinkled in between. The speakers will remind us of what we already know Washington and the media will dismiss us with a wave of the hand and the transformation of America will resolutely march on. The day after millions of Americans gathered at thousands of locations across the country to voice their displeasure at this relentless transformation millions shouting Can you width=156hear us now?" to our dear leaders in Washington we awoke to this headline: US Senate Climate Bill to be Unveiled April 26. The answer to the question would appear to be a resounding No." Party on America. We must ask ourselves where the ship of state is headed and what we must do to prevent those currently at the helm from steering us to a new America totally unrecognizable from the one we know today. We must put aside petty differences and biases political hackery egos and one-upmanship. Washington will not listen not only because they do not care what you think but because they actually despise you for even thinking it. The more you shout the more determined they become to ignore you and dismiss you as a dying breed as symbols of Americas imperial and racist past. Not only do you not matter or have valid voices to them you are precisely the problem that must be eliminated if America is to be transformed into a socialist classless utopian society. There is one and only one opportunity left to prevent this national suicide from occurring. We must remove from office the traitorous Marxists masquerading as Democrats and width=200replace them with defenders of the United States Constitution and believers in our founding principles who understand the necessity of God in the continuation of the miracle that is America. Thats it. After November 2 2010 the gig is up. Either America will be saved or the Marxists left in control will remove the last bricks from the foundation of our republic and begin the process of pouring a new foundation one which will forever bind the American people to the shackles of government. A century and a half after the abolition of slavery the American people will find themselves subjected to the lash of taxation and mandates forced against their will to submit to the whim of government. As dire as the situation is and as urgent the need for effective direct action it is mystifying that as each day goes by as each second ticks off the clock we preoccupy ourselves with protocols and pronouncements of our purity our proud adherence to self-imposed rules of non-partisanship. We congratulate ourselves on staging large rallies with thousands of people but no call to action events at which our potential rescuers on November 2nd are banned from speaking lest we appear partisan or ideologically biased.
  • Its as if we are all lined up at the station proud that we educated but did not arm the population. 
  • Its as if we are saying At least we did not endorse" as a train enters the station and lumbers to a stop.
  • Its as if we are saying At least we stood on principle" as we set foot inside the boxcar.
  • Its as if we are saying At least we stuck to our guns and didnt man the phone banks" as we watch the countryside race past our eyes.
Its as if we are saying At least we adhered to the rules of our 501(c)4 status and avoided any hassles with the IRS" as the train shutters to a stop and we are herded from the cars to width=100face an uncertain yet certainly unpleasant future in a land we do not recognize. As of this moment the November elections are 200 days away. 200 days. Will we do what needs to be done what must be done to elect responsible patriots and send them to Washington to save the republic or will the sounds we hear from America in the next 200 days more resemble Dostoevskys dying heroine in Crime & Punishment? She sank more and more into uneasy delirium. At times she shuddered turned her eyes from side to side recognized everyone for a minute but at once sank into delirium again. Her breathing was hoarse and difficult there was a sort of rattle in her throat." Wake up America and let us go about our business. Adrian Murray is President of the Fort Worth 9-12 Project.
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