Published: 11-11-08
Approximately 25000 U.S. military veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan return to Texas annually and transition to civilian life. As we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11 let’s remember their service to our country by putting their experience to work here in Texas.
The best way we can do that is for Texas-based employers to hire these returning veterans. To accomplish that goal Gov. Rick Perry and I in my capacity as Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) have established the Texas Veterans Leadership Program (TVLP) to help these returning veterans make the successful transition to the workforce and civilian life.
TVLP is headed by a returning veteran himself Retired Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jason Doran who served in Iraq I and Iraq II and was awarded the Silver Star for bravery in action.
Twenty-eight returning veterans are working all across the state of Texas to assist their fellow veterans of Iraq or Afghanistan who are unemployed underemployed or who have lingering problems associated with their experience in the war. Gov. Perry officially launched this program for our returning veterans the day before Veterans Day this year. But already our veterans in the field have helped more than 650 Texas veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.
They are finding these veterans good-paying jobs even in a slowing economy. Our Veterans Resource and Referral Specialists have made contact with more than 1300 employers representatives of community organizations veterans organizations and other Texas entities who have volunteered to help with this initiative. And this is just the beginning.
As word gets out across the state of Texas about the Texas Veterans Leadership Program I am confident that Texans will step forward by the tens of thousands to make sure that our returning veterans receive the kind of welcome they deserve for answering our country’s call during these difficult times.
Returning veterans employers interested in hiring veterans and organizations seeking to join our effort to assist returning service men and women can find their local Veterans Resource and Referral Specialist at or by calling (888) VET-TEX1. Tom Pauken is the Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission Media Contact: Ann Hatchitt Phone: 512-463-8556
The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the programs it offers in unison with its network of local workforce development boards call (512) 463-8556 or visit