What Do You Want to Cut?

width=71Like many in the 5th District I am concerned about the effect wasteful Washington spending is having on the future of our nation and I am committed to ensuring that Washington is accountable to you.  Thats why I wanted to introduce you to YouCut a first-of-its kind project designed to transform the culture of spending in Washington into a culture of savings. Beginning today people from the 5th District can voteboth online and on their mobile phoneon spending cuts they would like to see the House of Representatives enact. My colleagues and I will then offer an up-or-down vote on the spending cut that receives the most public support.  The people of the 5th District will have direct input on what they feel is the best way for the government to save money each and every week.  Click here to learn more and to vote on the programs you think need to go. This nation was already on a precarious fiscal road prior to this administration taking office. Today it is unequivocal that this nation is on the road to bankruptcy if Washington does not change its ways. As the number two Republican on the House Budget Committee and an appointee to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform I have made it a priority to stop wasteful government spending. YouCut now empowers YOU to join in the fight. P.S. To let me know your thoughts on YouCut and wasteful Washington spending please click here.
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