1st in a Series by Carol Sewell
Texas Insider Report: DALLAS Texas Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for protected & handed on for them to do the same or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our childrens children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan
It has been almost thirty years since Ronald Reagan uttered this warning. In the years since this call to action have things actually changed for the better?
Many years ago God told Moses to instruct the people to teach their children and grandchildren His precepts and commands. Did they do it? No as their history shows one generation would follow God and the next generation would follow Baal.
It was the same for the Puritans when they settled in North America.
The first comers were passionate about their faith but with each passing generation that passion became less and less. Today what we have is a nation that hardly acknowledges God and has little if any knowledge of the true Christian heritage upon which this nation was founded.
I believe as the prophets that people perish for lack of knowledge". As a result our nations liberty freedom and opportunity is perishing.
In the last 30 years there have been a number of books and DVD series that teach the truth about our American history. This has helped to fan the flames of the home school" movement and the growth of Christian schools in America. But as a whole we are too busy too stressed too tired and not that interested in putting the effort into educating ourselves and learning what the truth is.
After all what is truth anyway?
Under the intimidation of the government with threats of losing tax exempt status the Church has deferred to a secular government that wants to keep its

people in ignorance. So then how do we go about reclaiming Americas true heritage and restore the freedoms that have been lost in the last 100 years?
The sad truth is that many of those lost freedoms can not be restored but we can reclaim some and stop the further decline of the nation.
The TEA Party movement has put a spotlight on the Constitution and that is a very momentous thing. For too long we have lived in ignorance of the Constitution and allowed the ruling elite to tell us that it is somehow a living breathing and ever changing document … while they rewrite and undermine the rule of law designed to hold our system together.
I believe the America is waking up and starting to take strong stands against the unconstitutional constraints that have been placed on freedom and places of worship. If we are to secure the future for our children and grandchildren it is imperative that we choose to educate ourselves so we can instruct our children so they in turn can instruct their children. It is the parents and grandparents who have this responsibility. We must keep the flame of liberty alive and pass that flame to each generation.
How do we do this?
First it requires re-setting new priorities and sacrifice on our part. Our freedom was bought and paid for with sacrifices both great & small so why should we feel we are exempt.
We need to set higher standards for our children. They will fuss at first but will rise to the challenge. As parents we set the example in our faith and in our citizenship responsibilities. When we begin to live a more congruent lifestyle they will notice. When we begin to engage in public debate on current issues they will notice. As we educate ourselves and take the time to discuss with them what we have learned they will notice. Take them along to political rallies and to vote.
We the People: Know the Past Understand the Present Secure the Future is a good resource to help make this process easy because it provides useful information in an easy to read format. This book is designed to equip (all) people with the information they need to articulate their beliefs and understand the American system of government … and its foundation in Biblical principles.
Lets continue to put greater examples of our beliefs into action by becoming involved in the cultural and civic arena and most importantly pass your beliefs and knowledge on to your children and grandchildren.

It is a generational fight for the heart and soul of America that America is in today.
It will be won by passing on the faith the values and the principles found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Carol Sewell is the author of We the People: Know the Past Understand the Present Secure the Future with the foreword written by David Barton.