Whats the State of Texas Political Parties?

The Democratic Party - Part 1 of Texas Insiders Newest 3 Part Analysis Bwidth=65y Bill Burch Grass Roots Institute of Texas (GRIT) There have been major changes within the two principle political parties in the United States. Not so much in Texas. In this article we will look at where the Parties have moved and what awaits them as a result. I will also present an overview of the smaller parties and the Independents in Part III.The Democrats have been moving further and further to the left with each election cycle since McGovern ran for President against President Nixon. The Democrats were in disarray with a lot of infighting as each special interest group vied to bring their interest to the forefront of the Party. Finally things began to jell for the Democrats towards the end of President Clintons term and really took off during the Presidency of George W. Bush. The Democrats liberalism has changed to socialism. We have had socialism in the United States for a very long time. In the past it has been confined to the very poor other than Social Security. This took the form of free food free housing free health care free transportation and many other giveaways to maintain the Democrats main constituency. The big difference now is that the Democrats have expanded to include the middle class and the working class. Under President Obama we have also seen the emergence of a change in the form of socialism we have had in America in the past.  The Democrat controlled government is now taking control of one industry after another claiming that this is the only way to save jobs but having the exact opposite outcome. Job losses are mounting as a result of the actions of the Democrats. This is done intentionally to make more people dependent on the government for their very survival. This in turn gives the Democrat run government more control over the people as we lose our independence in return for a personal bailout". Socialism is a very popular form of government and is the principle way to govern in one form or another in most of the world. There are many forms of Socialism and I have researched each to find the model that best defines where we are going. It appears that at this time Marxism (not Communism) is the closest by definition to what the Democrats are doing. With the merger of the Unions with Government you could say that the Democrats have evolved into the Peoples Socialist Democrat Party". For this change to be successful the size of the middle class will need to be vastly reduced. Life in Europe is a way to look at what our future will hold. After taking control of the Financial Automotive Energy (yes its coming for all of you in the oil business) Newspapers Agriculture Mining and other industries most Americans will in some manner be employed by the Government. Government employees vote heavily Democrat. I dont know if that will continue to be the trend but its something to think about. What I have also found interesting is that the Marxist-Socialist Democrats have been remarkably successful in intimidating the major donors to the Republican Party to keep them from contributing to the Republican Candidates. We are already seeing the move towards small cars. Soon we will begin seeing higher energy prices with reduced availability of oil. This will lead to the nationalizing of the energy industries including the oil industry. You will then see a push to require houses and businesses to be required to become energy efficient. There will be punishments rendered if you fail to comply. If you have been to Europe then you know that most houses have no closets limited numbers of bathrooms rationed water (meaning only available during certain times of the day) poor infrastructure by American standards and more. To accomplish this change we may have control of the building standards for new construction and replacement of older buildings. With the heavy increase of printing of money inflations is going to soar. Many will profit as the values of their current debt is reduced proportionate. However the cost of everything will skyrocket. This will serve the purpose of tightening control over the population. The Democrats have always told lies distorted the truth cheated used intimidation and committed outright fraud to win. In most marginal areas it is said that it takes sixty percent of the vote for a Republican to win. In the last election I had several precincts that voted over 100. When I complained to the Republican County Chair I was told that it was an anomaly and would not change the outcome. Mysteriously the numbers changed in those precincts a few days later but not the totals in the District. In Pennsylvania we have seen the intimidation charges against the New Black Panthers dropped despite the filmed evidence provided. In Georgia the Secretary of State was stopped by the Obama Administration claiming racism from purging the voter files of people who had died moved or were here illegally. Speaking of racism the Democrats are overwhelmingly racist. They in turn call the Republicans racist. The Democrats found a weakness in that the Republicans who have very few real racists among them run for the hills when accused thus making them appear to be racist. It was the Republicans who were actually responsible for the Womens Right To Vote The Voters Rights Act The Civil Rights Act Affirmative Action (a Republican Judge) and single member Districts. In my District we had seven African Americans on the ballot one Democrat (Obama) and six Republicans. For many years the Democrats were a Party of great battles within the leadership. In the last ten years they have become a united Party. Even though most Democrats are opposed to the ideas of the Marxist-Socialist leadership of the Party the opposition is silenced. Fear and intimidation are the weapons of the Marxist-Democrats now leading our country. With the changes now being rapidly rolled out the large federal financing of ACORN and their affiliated groups the constant voter fraud the apathy of voters and the inability of the Republicans to find the backbone to stand up to the Marxist it will be very difficult for the Republicans to defeat the Marxist-Socialist Democrats. There is a window of opportunity for the Republicans. The question is will they get their act together in time to take advantage of it.
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