Double Digit Hikes in Medicare Advantage Premiums sign of the times in Presidents Health Care Plan

WASHINGTON D.C. Texas seniors wondering how President Obamas massive health care plan will affect them dont have long to wonder. Cuts last year by the Democratic Congress to the popular Medicare Advantage plans are driving costs up for seniors a jump of over 14 for the one million Texas elderly who rely upon these plans.
Unfortunately this is just a sign of the times said U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. The deep cuts to Medicare proposed by the White House to pay for their massive health care takeover will drive up the cost to Texas seniors. We are already seeing it in Medicare Advantage which most Texas seniors will be forced out of if the presidents bill becomes law."
Increasing the cost of health care on those who have it to give it to those who dont is the wrong approach which is why I oppose the presidents plan. We need to lower costs so more Americans can afford health care."
Medicare Advantage premiums are rising 14.2 this year as a result of lower reimbursement by a hostile Democratic Congress which vows to end the popular program. According to the independent Congressional Budget Office 660000 Texas seniors will be forced to choose a different Medicare plan if the massive health care bill goes through.