Military Veterans stand by Perry denounce PACs Coward attack
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Veterans from across Texas came out in support of Governor Rick Perry Tuesday afternoon saying they were outraged at an attack ad purchased by the liberal trial lawyer-funded Back to Basics PAC. The full-page ad which ran in newspapers across Texas calls Gov. Rick Perry a coward.
This Back to Basics PAC is bankrolled by Houston trial lawyer Steve Mostyn a man who has made his millions filing lawsuits that have made Texans home insurance rates skyrocket in the past few years while making himself extremely rich said Air Force veteran Bryan Preston the Republican Party of Texas spokesman.
Bill White should rein in his irresponsible trial lawyer allies said Preston.
Bill White should distance himself from Mostyn immediately and return all

political contributions that Mostyn has given him Preston said.
Texas Land Commissioner & Marine Corps veteran Jerry Patterson: Those who serve in our armed forces today as well the veterans who have served before certainly cannot be described as cowards.
Bill White should be ashamed of himself for supporting the gutless attacks his supporters have levied against Governor Perry said
Navy SEAL and Afghanistan veteran Macrus Lutrell.
While Bill White lacked the courage to serve in the military Governor Perry enlisted in the Air Force after college and truly knows what it means to have served

our nation. Bill White is a complete phony who claims to support the military but has instead tried to restrict military voting rights said Lutrell.
Bill White needs to take a long look at himself and maybe he will see what a coward really looks like Lutrell said.
Perry flew C-130 tactical airlift aircraft in the Middle East as an officer in the United States Air Force.
Said Preston Mostyns agenda is to overturn Texas successful tort reform so that he can keep filing lucrative lawsuits and trial lawyer Bill White is only too happy to help out with that. If anyone is the coward here its Bill White for hiding behind various front groups and attacking our great Governor from the weeds.
Only someone who never served in the armed forces would have the gall to call a veteran of the United States Air Force a coward said US Navy veteran and
Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Mike Thornton.
Bill White has a lot of nerve allowing his trial lawyer buddies to attack Governor Perry a proud veteran who truly supports the men and women of the military. Not only has Governor Perry worn the uniform of the United States but there has been no better friend to returning

veterans and specifically Medal of Honor recipients than Governor Perry Thornton said.
Said Patteron While political discourse makes our democracy strong it borders on the bizarre for a candidate who has never served in the armed forces to call another who has a coward.
Bill White may not have personally made the charge but those who work for him did and Bill White should repudiate it. Its the right thing to do Patterson said.
Land Commissioner Patterson oversees the
Texas Veterans Land Board as well as the
Texas Veterans Commission.