By Michelle Malkin

Here is one of the loudest messages of the 2009 off-off-year elections: Conservatives in America will no longer let their opponents define them as outside of the mainstream. They will not submit to Democrats. Or to the media. Or to Beltway Republican capitulationists. They will not rebrand. They will not sit down. They will not shut up.
Just this past weekend Democratic Rep. Jim Moran attacked the Republican candidates for governor and attorney general in his state of Virginia as the Taliban ticket.
New York Times columnist Frank Rich decried the rights Jacobins and Stalinists who he said joined a putsch by supporting Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman instead of ACORN-embracing Big Labor-promoting pro-abortion pro-gay marriage tax-and-spend Republican Dede Scozzafava in New Yorks 23rd congressional special election.
And senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett told ABCs This Week that the grassroots conservative-vs.-GOP leadership battle over NY-23 showed that the Republican Party leadership was becoming more and more extreme and more and more marginalized.
Lets talk extreme.
Jarrett is the White House official who bragged openly about recruiting disgraced Marxist rabble-rouser Van Jones for the green jobs czar post. She lavished praise on his public career and said she had followed him for as long as hes been active out in Oakland. In Oakland Jones was working to dismantle Californias juvenile justice system pitting minorities against police officers and crusading to free death row cop-killer Mumia abu Jamal.
Who are you calling extreme?
Jarretts White House colleague Patrick Gaspard Obamas political director who intervened in the race to convince Scozzafava to endorse the Democratic candidate Bill Owens after she dropped out was a top organizer at the militant Local 1199 chapter of the Service Employees International Union and an activist/organizer for the New Party and the Working Families Party -- both ACORN/Democratic Socialists of America front groups.
Who are you calling extreme?
Its rather telling Jarrett sniffed when the Republican Party forces out a moderate Republican and it says I think a great deal about where the Republican Party leadership is right now. Its rather telling that the White House persists with this pointless marginalization strategy as Gallup polls show conservatives continuing to outnumber moderates and liberals across America.
As I pointed out in my Oct. 16 column there was never anything moderate about Scozzafava. There was no fiscal conservatism to balance her social radicalism. It wasnt merely that she was pro-choice. She was also a proud recipient of a pro-abortion award named after eugenicist Margaret Sanger.
It wasnt merely that she favored higher government spending. It was also that she supported the stimulus which every single House Republican in office opposed on top of her support for the union-expanding card-check bill on top of her ambiguous statements on the energy tax-imposing cap-and-trade bill.
Newt Gingrich who foolishly stood with Scozzafava until she threw herself under the bus over the weekend piously invoked Reagan and condemned the extreme purism of unruly conservatives who wouldnt keep quiet about Scozzafavas radical-left agenda.
But conservatives are not demanding purity. They are simply abiding by Reagans own wise counsel in 1975: A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers.
The Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee threw upward of $900000 down the toilet for a candidate whose core views and political alliances undermined conservatisms fundamental beliefs in limited government from Day One. It was a reckless expenditure of the GOP bases hard-earned money and a bitter tuition bill for a teachable moment on the perils of political expediency.
The days when immoderate political operatives and feckless Beltway opportunists could define moderation by their own warped yardsticks without pushback are over.
Michelle Malkin makes news and waves with a unique combination of investigative journalism and incisive commentary. She is the author of Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild .