Whod Make a Better Boyfriend America? President Obama or Gov. Romney?

width=313Breaking up with him will feel ... liberating. Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. Why are you always making excuses for him? The point is hes not the man you thought he was says a despondent female friend. I miss the way he used to make me feel. I supported him for four years ... Dont say I told you so says the other feeling torn over being in a four year dead-end width=189relationship. A pair of creative new campaign ads is equating politics with dating with the conversation between two 20-something females ending You know you deserve better.     The ads are designed to target women who voted for Obama in 2008. The Feeling Guilty ad depicts a hearfelt conversation betwen two female friends with the torn girlfriend concluding that breaking up with him will feel ... liberating. The second spot called Mr. Dependable features a woman carrying a yoga mat while complaining to a friend about her boyfriend Mr. Cool (ahem Mr. Obama) of four years;
He just keeps spending and spending money we dont have. Hes never accountable hes so condescending he always has somebody else to blame.
Conservative Independent Womens Voice (IWV) and Let Freedom Ring partnered in the $7.4 million digital ad buy. Independent Womens Voice spent $28599 on independent expenditures in the last cycle and Let Freedom Ring spent approximately $5000 according to the latest disclosure reports. I dont know hes not as cool says the main character pausing with a slight look of embarrassment. Hes a Republican. But she adds the newer Mr. Dependable seems smart and like he cares. width=130You know you deserve better adds a voice-over as a photo of Romney flashes with a sparkle in his eye and on his smile. Her friend tells her to consider the other guy Mr. Dependable (Romney).  Youve been with Mr. Cool now for four years look where that got you. The online ads will target voters in battleground states including Florida Virginia and Ohio. As if dating wasnt fraught with  peril and anxiety already. Who would make a better boyfriend America? President Barack Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney?
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