by Gary Bauer
Published: 06-21-07
Published: 06-21-07

But as distasteful as those images are they have nothing to do with our lives here right? Wrong!
What we have been witnessing this week is another victory for Islamofascism. The Hamas fighters as they routed the numerically superior Fatah forces immediately knelt and praised Allah for their victory. They converted a Fatah office into a mosque. They attacked a Christian center collected the Bibles and burned them.
Columnist and warrior Ralph Peters hit a grand slam home run again this morning in his column in the New York Post with his analysis of the Hamas victory. He points out that from Gaza to Baghdad from Lebanon to London we are witnessing men who have given their lives to Allah and who are willing to die and kill with impunity.
Hamas fighters “at the height of last week’s fighting in Gaza” only numbered “one Palestinian in 300” but as Peters notes today they control Gaza and 1.5 million people.
We are still in denial about the Islamofascist fanatics. Many conflicts can be settled by negotiations but not wars in which one side believes it is taking orders directly from its god. That is why the Bush Administration should stop pressuring Israel to make more concessions.
No amount of land will satisfy Palestinian Muslims’ thirst for Jewish blood.
That is why the Baker Commission and the diplomatic community are wrong when they say we must get Iran’s cooperation through talks. They keep forgetting or are willfully ignoring that Iranian “president” Ahmadinejad believes the Muslim messiah is coming soon to kill all the Christians and Jews and that he has been assigned the holy task of paving the way for his arrival. What possible incentive could we offer for Ahmadinejad to compromise this mission?
Across Europe there is but a remnant of Judeo-Christian civilization. Here Americans are more religious but our elites from the media to our foreign policy establishment seem to be incapable of understanding the murderers who kill for Allah. These elites are more frightened by George Bush praying than they are by the Islamists who cut off heads and send women to blow up hospitals.
ABC News played a video recently of a “graduation” ceremony at a terror school in Afghanistan that was sending off its “graduates” to France England Canada and the U.S. to wage jihad while at American universities leftwing educators work nonstop to keep military recruiters off our campuses.
So what can we do?
“We the people” must first come to grips with the reality confronting us. While our Marines are at war most Americans are at the mall unfazed by the threat to our civilization. That disconnect is dangerous and that is what allows some politicians to declare the war “lost” or to denounce it as “George W. Bush’s war.”
We must teach our children what is unique and good about America and why our values are worth defending.
We must inform our policymakers about the “gathering storm” threatening our civilization and warn them against the siren song of appeasement.
And we must demand that our government do all that is within its power to defend our homeland and crush the Islamofascists who have declared war on us.
This is the mission to which I have devoted American Values and my friends your support is absolutely essential to our success. If you share our vision of a strong free and prosperous America please help us defend our values.
Is It Time To “Cut And Run”?
Is It Time To “Cut And Run”?
I also want to share with you a report from the war zone. Yes progress is being made but the resistance has been growing and will likely get worse.
Here’s one quote from the frontline: “As larger areas of the border come under operational control we can expect violence to increase as smuggling operations can no longer operate with impunity and do not have unfettered access to the border for their criminal activities. This explosion of aggression is an indicator of how desperate and angry they are at the increasing disruption of their smuggling routes.”
Was that a report from the border of Iraq and Iran or from a mountainous region in Afghanistan? No folks that statement was given by Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar to a congressional subcommittee this year about our own nation’s southern border with Mexico! And what does this tell us was taking place before recent efforts to gain control of our own border?
Today’s Washington Times reports that there has been an explosion of violence along the southern border – assaults against Border Patrol agents are up 100 in the past year.
Now illegal aliens and smugglers are resorting to more extreme tactics such as setting fires to our national forests in order to a) distract Border Patrol agents and local authorities and b) attempt to “burn agents out of observation posts and patrol routes.”
As a result of the increasing lawlessness firefighters sent in to battle the flames must go with armed escorts from local state or federal law enforcement agencies. No wonder Reid and Pelosi want to “cut and run” from Arizona as well as Iraq.
In addition to the violence these fires are damaging sensitive environmental sites such as the Coronado National Forest. So environmental groups are suing – for tougher enforcement so illegal aliens won’t be able to set our national forests on fire? No liberal environmentalists have been waging a legal battle for years to prevent the border fence from being built at all for a variety of reasons including the fact that the fence is forcing illegal aliens and drug smugglers to cross into environmentally sensitive areas.
So from their point of view the damage to the environment is the fault of the U.S. government for making it more difficult for the illegal aliens to get into the country.
By the way last year Congress voted to build 854 miles of fencing along the southern border and so far only 12 miles have been built. Let’s see 12 miles in six months is two miles a month twenty-four miles a year. So at that rate it will take the most powerful nation in the world about 35 years to secure its southern border.
My friends this is not the hallmark of a serious nation at war intent on defending its homeland.
If these same bureaucrats were running the government during World War II America would not have developed the atomic bomb until the 1970s. Why is this being tolerated?
The last time I checked hundreds of thousands of people pouring across your border shooting at government officers and burning your land was called an invasion.