Senate Candidate to Forward Texans thoughts on Government-run Health Care

Austin U.S. Senate candidate Michael Williams is calling on the Obama Democrats in the campaign for the United States Senate Bill White & John Sharp to join him in denouncing President Obamas White House intimidation tactics to quell legitimate debate about health care reform.The White House has released
an email address for their supporters to forward e-mail messages and e-mail addresses of vocal dissenters of the Presidents nationalized health care plan.
Nixonian watch list tactics have no place in a thoughtful debate about health care costs" said Williams.
I invite the Democratic candidates in the race for U.S. Senate to join me in publicly denouncing President Obamas efforts to collect names of citizens who

oppose their government-run health care scheme" Williams said.
Texans deserve to know who will stand up for principle and who will hide behind their party leader and vote lock-step according to his commands" said Williams.
The President has already declared he wants his health care critics to stop talking" said Williams. However I think Texans should keep talking. Texans voices deserve to be heard which is why I am offering them a forum on my

website to send the White House their comments on socialized medicine."
Texans can go to and offer their comments on the healthcare debate.
E-mail addresses will be not be forwarded to the White House for their watch list but their thoughts will be sent along.
President Obamas plan would reduce choices and explode costs which is why he wants critics to be silenced" said Williams.
I want to give Texans a platform to be heard first with our web page and soon after as their United States Senator who will stand up to record deficits bailout boondoggles and government-run healthcare."