With Schools Now Open Do All you Can to Limit the Spread of the Flu

roberto-alonzoWith schools now open students parents and educators should do everything they can to limit the spread of the flu within our school campuses says Rep. Alonzo. They should close only if the school is not able to function or if the swine flu virus mutates into a more deadly form.  However there are certain common sense behaviors and simple guidelines we can all follow to limit the spread. We would like to share with you some useful information from Capitols Nursing Department. First of all what is the H1N1 or swine flu? It is an influenza viral illness which results in the sudden onset of fever chills body aches sore throat headache malaise and nonproductive cough. How can the flu be avoided? (1) Avoid close contact with people who have the flu. (2) Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or use your elbow when coughing or sneezing. (3) Washing your hands often will help protect you from flu germs. Adequate hand washing is using plenty of soap and hot water and singing Happy Birthday twice while washing your hands. (4) Keep a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer on your desk and use it after shaking hands with visitors. (5) Avoid touching your eyes nose or mouth. Flu germs are spread when a person touches something that is contaminated and then touches these areas. Some Useful Tips: If you get the flu you should stay home and not go to school or to work or anywhere else where large groups typically congregate. Take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or any other acetaminophen (Tylenol) for the fever headache sore throat and body aches. Drink plenty of fluids to help speed recovery and prevent dehydration. Dont skip any meals even though you may not be hungry. Your immune system needs the calories. Stay home until you are fever-free and if necessary go see a physician. FDA Approves New Swine Flu Vaccine Tuesday According to news sources the Food and Drug Administration (TDA) approved the new swine flu vaccine Tuesday a longanticipated step as the government works to start mass vaccinations next month. Limited supplies should start trickling out the first week of October about a week earlier than expected Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told Congress. Then about 45 million doses should arrive around Oct. 15 followed by more shipments each week. She said theyll be available at up to 90000 sites including schools and clinics across the U.S. that state health departments have chosen as best at getting the shots out fast. Need More Information on the H1N1 Flu - Call Toll-Free or Visit Website www.TexasFlu.org Effective Aug. 24 the Texas Dept. of State Health Services (DSHS) has established BOTH a toll-free telephone line and website where you can get any type of information on the H1N1 Flu Pandemic Influenza. Additionally once you get into that website and you want to get regular daily updates you can get on their mailing list by providing your name and e-mail on the Home Page of the website (bottom right hand corner of the site): Toll-Free Number: 1-877-623-6274 Website: www.TexasFlu.org
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