Darren Yancy Endorsed by Congressman Joe Barton

Burleson Texas Republican state Senate candidate Darren Yancy today announced that he received the significant endorsement of U.S. Congressmen Joe Barton (R-Ennis) an influential conservative and beacon for fiscal responsibility in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Born and raised in Waco Texas Barton serves on the House Republican Steering Committee which coordinates strategic planning for House Republicans.
In accepting the endorsement Darren Yancy said I am honored to have the support of Congressman Joe Barton. As featured speakers at key events including the recent Burleson Tea Party and the Navarro County Reagan Day Dinner Congressman Barton and I are promoting taxpayer rights and fighting against wasteful government spending."
Darren Yancy a devoted husband and loving father of four children is a life-long Texan with deep roots in state Senate District 22. He is campaigning on a platform that respects our Constitution secures our borders revises the state franchise tax lowers property taxes improves classroom education delivers energy independence for Texas respects family values delivers promised benefits to our military veterans and stands for conservative Republican values.