Where Does YOUR Incumbent Stand?
(Austin TX) Since 1975 Young Conservatives of Texas have provided Texans with reviews of the voting records of legislators as a public service. YCT strives to measure each representative and senators fidelity to conservative principles. YCT is proud to release the 18th installment of our Legislative Ratings the longest running and most respected legislative ratings in the state of Texas.
Now is the chance for citizens to see where their incumbents stand and how they really voted" said Laura Elizabeth Morales Senior Vice Chairman.
Legislators are scored on a scale from 0 to 100 with points being awarded for each correct vote.
YCT strives to choose votes that offer a clear choice between conservatism and liberalism" explained Tony McDonald Vice Chairman for Legislative Affairs.
The 81st Legislative Ratings also include a comparison of scores between House committee chairs from the 80th and 81st Sessions a feature added to the ratings to assist voters in comparing the change in House leadership.
Now that the candidate filing deadline has passed we hope voters will take a look at how their incumbents performed and decide whether they need to be replaced in the primary or general election" remarked McDonald.
YCT congratulates the members of the Historic Honor Roll whose career ratings rank above 90:
- Rep. Wayne Christian
- Rep. Joe Crabb
- Rep. Charlie Howard
- Rep. Carl Isett
- Rep. Jodie Laubenberg
- Rep. Tan Parker
- Rep. Ken Paxton and
- Sen. Jane Nelson

YCT also congratulates the 81st Session Rookies of the Year: Rep. Randy Weber and Sen. Joan Huffman. Representative Weber tied for the highest score in the House with a 97.
We would like voters to be aware of who the Certified RINOs or Republicans in Name Only are" adds McDonald.
Rep. Charlie Geren Rep. Delwin Jones Rep. Tommy Merritt Sen. Kip Averitt and Sen. Kevin Eltife all scored below 60 in the House and 50 in the Senate respectively. Texans can also add Rep. Chuck Hopson to that list who while classified as one of the Highest Scoring Democrats" for the session recently switched to the Republican Party. Voters should keep this in mind as these candidates campaign as Republicans."
The complete ratings can be found online at