By Gina Parker Ford
Published: 06-14-07

A comprehensive review of the 34 year history of the Ten Best and Ten Worst List" however shows distinct patterns of bias and prejudice against Hispanics Conservatives Republicans and Women and Black members of the Legislature. Conservatives and Hispanics often dominate the Worst List" and can be twice as likely to make the Ten Worst List" as compared to the Ten Best." The most likely profile of a candidate for their Ten Best List" is a white urban liberal male Democrat.
Even more disturbing are the comments made about minority legislators in the various articles over the years. They indicate a pattern that denigrates the intellect and ethics of Hispanic and Black members accusing them of personal prejudices far beyond those by which Anglo members were accused of. In 1973 Texas Monthly said that Rep. Lindsey Rodriguez …actually works at being dumb…."
The writer called Clay Smothers an African American legislator from Dallas in the 1970s a black Archie Bunker." Black Rep. Lanell Cofers legislative activities were referred to as monkeyshines." Hispanic Senator Bob Vale was described as a parasite." Current Black Rep. Yvonne Davis was accused of legislative terrorism" in 2003.
The comparisons however against Anglo legislators who make the Ten Worst List" in the same years can be striking. Rep. Tim Von Dohlen was put on the 1973 Ten Worst List" but in his write-up he was referred to as resourceful hardworking and…quite intelligent." In 1991 Ernestine Glossbrenner was described as decent and caring." In the collective review of the write-ups one gets a sense that the magazine is saying it didnt have to be this way" when writing about white members and there is virtually no hope" when writing about minority members.
The irony of all ironies is that Texas Monthly writer Paul Burka who has written on each of the articles endorsed Kinky Friedman for Governor last year even though he said he didnt approve of his (Friedmans) racially tinged remarks."
Often when Conservatives made the Ten Best List" it was for doing some rather non-conservative acts. In 1985 Jim Rudd was praised for opposing a 2 across the board budget cut proposed by the House Conservative Caucus. Jack Vowell was put on the Ten Best" in 1987 for opposing cuts to welfare and AFDC spending. Fred Hill a repeat offender on the Ten Worst List" was suddenly awarded status on the Ten Best" by Texas Monthly citing his opposition to lowering appraisal caps and implementing spending caps on local government.
Since 1989 Burka has been joined in compiling the Lists by Austin writer Patti Kilday Hart 52 and the magazines editor currently Evan Smith 41 a New Yorker who has lived in Texas since 1992.
Burka Hart and Smith are all Democrats by their own words deeds or familial ties. Hart and Smith have voted in the Democratic Primary in Travis County - with Hart voting in seven of the last nine Democratic primaries and Smith voting Democratic at least four times in the past decade.
Evan Smiths wife Julia Null-Smith is a Democratic Party activist who has served on the Board of Directors of the local chapter of Planned Parenthood. The Smiths also hosted a primary season gathering at their home for then-frontrunner Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean in 2003.
Paul Burka stated in 2001 that he was a Conservative Democrat" who voted in the Republican Primary because Republican nominees are most likely to win those (statewide) races. Burka then promptly voted in the Democratic Primary the following year.
Burka and Hart are not shy about trying to have an impact on the legislative process. For example in 2005 Rep. Phil Kings inclusion on the Ten Worst List" referred to his work on anti-abortion bills. Rep. Robert Taltons campaign against gay foster parenting was cited as the reasoning behind his Ten Worst" designation the same year.
Being a Christian is bad too: Rep. Robert Taltons inclusion on the 2003 Ten Worst List" ridiculed his use of his Christian faith during floor debate. Rep. Tim Von Dohlen was attacked in the Ten Worst List" in 1973 as a Christian zealot" who was cut from a Crusaders Cloth."
In a time when technology takes its toll upon the weekly news magazine and the daily newspaper the lack of diversity demonstrated by both writers and the writing may demand that the magazines owners bring this longstanding work into modern day journalism which demands balance accountability and fairness. Time will tell.
Copies of the complete review can be obtained at
Gina Parker Ford !CEO of Dental Creations Ltd. a dental manufacturing company and a successful attorney ! is the National Eagle Forum Chairman for Judicial Reform. Mrs. Ford also served as a Bush and Perry appointee to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.