Young Conservatives of Texas at UT to Remember Victims of 9/11 With a Memorial September 9th 2009

YCTsealAustin TX- The Young Conservatives of Texas at UT hope that nobody forgets the memories or the impact of the terrorist attacks on America on September 11th 2001. For the third year in a row YCT-UT will be out on the South Lawn of the UT campus at 5:00 am on Friday September 11th to place American flags in the ground for their 9/11 Never Forget Project. The group plans to place one flag in the ground for each American life lost on that tragic day. Dustin Matocha The YCT-UT Chairman explains why YCT chooses to create the memorial and why America should never forget the events of that day: People tend not to think about how large of an impact those terrorist attacks had on America and on Texas. Theres a good chance that there will be someone walking around campus on Friday that knew somebody working in the World Trade Center or had family in the military working at the Pentagon who will see our memorial and feel a sense of gratitude for making sure that the memories of what happened dont disappearthat the lives lost on that day are not forgotten. It will allow people to see firsthand just how many lives were lost because seeing the number 2977 on paper just really doesnt do it justice. It also serves as a reminder to all Americans that two oceans are not enough to protect us from attacks anymore. We have to be constantly aware that we live in a society where threats to our freedom and our liberty come in all shapes and sizes and we can never take anything for granted." Each year weve done this weve received an incredible outpouring of support and gratitude for our efforts" says Brianna Becker Secretary of YCT-UT. Last year we even partnered with other political organizations like the University Democrats to show that September 11th should not be used in a political way and we will continue that bi-partisanship this year and in years to come." Young Conservatives of Texas a non-partisan youth organization has been fighting for conservative principles across The Lone Star State for nearly three decades.  For more information visit
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