Published: 02-01-08

“The Young Conservatives of Texas are delighted to announce our endorsement of Quico Canseco” said Laura Elizabeth Morales Young Conservatives of Texas Director of Public Relations. “The energy Quico has put forth in seeking the nomination of the 23rd Congressional District is commendable and shows his dedication to those constituents.”
YCT uses questionnaires and personal interviews along with meticulous research to identify each candidate’s positions on the issues before making their endorsement decisions.
“Quico is a true conservative who can bring real Texan values to Washington” said Morales.
The Young Conservatives of Texas applaud Canseco’s dedication to limit government spending securing the nation’s borders and a strong national defense.
YCT has chapters at Texas Tech University West Texas A&M University A&M University the University of North Texas the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas at San Antonio. YCT is a non-partisan grassroots political organization that has been fighting for conservative values for more than a quarter century in the Lone Star State. To learn more visit