Published: 11-04-07

In the 80th Legislature State Representatives cast more than 2000 votes and the Senate passed more than 1100 pieces of legislation. YCT’s Legislative Ratings helps citizens truly understand the voting habits of their representatives by accurately portraying the conservativeness of state legislators.
“We’re excited to release these ratings as a public service once again” says Laura Elizabeth Morales Director of Public Relations.
“We’d like to give special congratulatory recognition to our Honor Roll Legislators; Rep. Jodie Laubenberg from Wylie Rep. Ken Paxton from McKinney Rep. Debbie Riddle from Houston Rep. Wayne Christian from Center Rep. Joe Crabb from Kingwood Rep. Charlie Howard Rep. Bryan Hughes from Mineola Rep. Carl Isett from Lubbock Rep. Nathan Macias from Bulverde Rep. Tan Parker from Flower Mound Rep. Larry Phillips from Sherman and Rep. Lois Kolkhorst from Brenham” says Christopher Richey Senior Vice Chairman.
“YCT would like to congratulate this session’s top performing rookies; Rep. Nathan Macias from Bulverde; Rep. Tan Parker from Flower Mound and Sen. Dan Patrick from Houston” says Richey.
“We’d like to give special congratulatory recognition to our Honor Roll Legislators; Rep. Jodie Laubenberg from Wylie Rep. Ken Paxton from McKinney Rep. Debbie Riddle from Houston Rep. Wayne Christian from Center Rep. Joe Crabb from Kingwood Rep. Charlie Howard Rep. Bryan Hughes from Mineola Rep. Carl Isett from Lubbock Rep. Nathan Macias from Bulverde Rep. Tan Parker from Flower Mound Rep. Larry Phillips from Sherman and Rep. Lois Kolkhorst from Brenham” says Christopher Richey Senior Vice Chairman.
“YCT would like to congratulate this session’s top performing rookies; Rep. Nathan Macias from Bulverde; Rep. Tan Parker from Flower Mound and Sen. Dan Patrick from Houston” says Richey.
“YCT would also like to specifically note three legislators who are Certified Republicans in Name Only or RINOs. This title is given to these legislators because they vote very liberally as Republicans; they are Representative Delwin Jones Charlie Geren and Tommy Merritt” says Morales. “This is the first time the Certified RINO category has been listed in the ratings.”
The complete ratings can be found online at