15% of Bernie Supporters Would Choose Trump Over Biden, says ABC News/Washington Post Poll

Biden's 24% "strong enthusiasm" among supporters is lowest level for Democrat candidate in 20 years

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Among Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents who say they prefer Bernie Sanders over Joe Biden for the nomination, 15% say they’d vote for President Donald Trump instead of Mr. Biden in November, a recent ABC News/Washington Post Poll found.

And his supporter's level of  enthusiasm for Mr. Trump, the poll said, sits at 53% for the president – with Mr. Biden's level of enthusiasm badly trailing at just 24%.
In fact, with the level of "strong enthusiasm" for Biden at just 24% among his supporters, he is approaching the slower summer months with the lowest level of enthusiasm on record for a Democrat candidate in 20 years, the ABC/Post poll shows.

At 53%, more than twice as many of Trump’s supporters are "highly enthusiastic" about supporting his re-election than are Democrats of Biden.

Democrat party leaders have been concerned for months about Sanders' staying in the race – and playing a spoiler role similar to the one he played during the 2016 Election when Hillary Clinton became the eventual nominee – saying they'd prefer a unified party to take on President Trump.

Insiders fear Biden will suffer the same fate as Clinton, winning a prolonged and divisive Democrat Party nomination fight as Trump consolidates support and wins in November.
Even with the other Democrat candidates having dropped out of the race and endorsing Biden, the poll found that just 51% of Democrats now prefer Biden, compared to 42% who support Sanders. That represents a 34% gain for Biden's campaign since mid-February, while Sanders has gained 10%.
  • Hillary Clinton found herself in the same position during the 2016 campaign won byTrump, when she too held a slim lead among Democrats for the nomination while running essentially even with Trump among Registered Voters.
  • Clinton lagged in enthusiasm, with a low of 32% saying they were very enthusiastic in September 2016.
  • Biden is 8% under that mark now.
  • Despite his advance within his party, Biden has slipped against Trump in a November matchup. The two are locked in a dead heat among Registered Voters, with Biden's 49-47% lead over President Trump falling well within the poll's margin of error..
“It’s the equivalent of a World War II kamikaze pilot,” longtime Clinton advisor Philippe Reines told The Washington Post about the poll. “They have no better option than to plow into the U.S.S. Biden.”

Sen. Sanders – who has said he will do everything he can to defeat President Donald Trump even if Joe Biden is the nominee – announced earlier today he was suspending his campaign.

The largest obstacle for the Biden campaign, nonetheless, will be finding a strategy to overcome Trump’s big advantage in backers who are “very enthusiastic" about supporting his re-election.

Strong enthusiasm for a candidate helps boost Election Day turnout, which will be particularly crucial for Democrats, who traditionally have relied more heavily on motivating less-frequent voters to turn out at election day polls.

Further, among Sanders supporters who say they’d vote for Biden in November, just 9% said they would be very enthusiastic about doing so. 


