From Nikki Haley's Stand For America
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — This was the year socialism went mainstream. The dangerous ideology – which has failed everywhere it has been tried and ruined countless lives – is on its way to becoming the default economic policy of the Democrat Party. This terrifying trend threatens the future of every American.

- Four years ago, Democrat-Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) nearly became the left’s (and the Democrat's) presidential candidate.
- Fast forward to 2020, and he almost did it again.
- Socialists "democrats" like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are exerting tremendous pressure in the media with leftist language – and rarely-critiqued policy proposals.
- In states like New York and in Congress, the ranks of far-left legislators are growing.
The Democrat Party now demands:
- A government health plan that would destroy private health care
- An energy plan like the “Green New Deal” that would use the power of government to remake virtually the entire economy
- Greater government power over job creators and workers through heavy-handed mandates, and
- Massive tax hikes that would bring the economy to a crawl
Add to that doubling down on debt-fueled spending by calling to “cancel” student debt, rent, and mortgage payments — the list goes on.

The left’s agenda is based on the belief that "government knows best." That’s the essence of socialism – and the opposite of American ideals.
If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that when government dictates how the economy is run, Americans suffer in extraordinary ways.
During the pandemic, government-mandated lockdowns dragged down an economy that was uplifting millions – especially minorities and struggling communities. Countless businesses have closed and those with the most to lose have lost the most.
While socialism is rising on the left, many on the right are also moving in the wrong direction by turning their backs on capitalism.
In February, Amb. Haley gave a speech calling out conservatives and business leaders who support “watered-down capitalism” and “hyphenated capitalism.”
She pointed out that they “differ from socialists only in degree,” and “they should know better.”
With the Biden administration set to take power, now is the time to renew the fight for capitalism and opportunity for all – and against socialism and its suffering. Now is the time to rally our fellow citizens to ensure that every American can achieve their dreams and bring our country and people to new heights of achievement.
The only way socialism wins, is if we don’t show up.
So let’s show up, stand up, and speak out, for the sake of America’s future.
Founded by Nikki Haley, Stand For America promotes Freedom at Home & Strength Abroad.