61% of Biden's 2020 Voters Now Say he’s 'Too Old to Be an Effective President': NY Times-Siena POLL

The same Biden Voters were then asked the same question about Donald Trump – and don't believe he's suffering the same problem

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — This weekend's New York Times and Siena College Poll that was released Sunday has to have the Biden White House coming unglued. It shows just how much even his own 2020 voters or supporters worry about his age – and their concern is intensifying. There's literally no good news in the poll for Biden, and every piece now shows Donald Trump with a measurable and unmistakable lead.
The majority – 61% of voters who cast ballots for Mr. Biden in 2020 – now say he’s “too old to be an effective president.”

Among "All Registered Voters," 73% said Mr. Biden is too old 
– and 45% said he can’t do the job.

The lack of confidence in Mr. Biden stretched across several demographics, including age, race and gender.

The rapidly rising doubts about his mental capabilities come amid frequent public gaffes that have led some members of his party to question his cognitive status as the White House tries to tamp down public concerns.

At this point in time, it’s hard to see how Mr. Biden can regain his footing. Actually, D.C. Democrats have been saying behind closed doors and off the record that such an idea is now more than doubtful – it’s actually to the point where it’s unimaginable.

Notable in The Time's Saturday story about the poll, though, was how its reporting did not cover the primary liability and cause for Biden’s rapid decline in support: His noticeable and increasing cognitive decline.

Well – it turns out – they were just holding onto that analysis and information until Sunday.

It was the second-day story that is more devastating than the first. In Sunday's piece, Lisa Lerer and Ruth Igielnik report:
“Widespread concerns about President Biden’s age pose a deepening threat to his re-election bid, with a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now saying he is too old to lead the country effectively.”

That’s a majority of Biden’s own voters – not a majority of the country.

So what does the country say?

Fully 45% of all voters say flatly that Biden is “not capable of handling the job of president.”

Voters were then asked the same question about Biden's opponent, Donald Trump – and logically one would think this would give those same Biden Voters a chance to express their dislike of Mr. Trump for the same reason.

Only 19% said it for Donald Trump, compared to the 45% who responded as much about Joe Biden.

Remember, these are the same people being asked the same question about both men.

That means – at least as of the last weekend's poll, that it’s staggering Mr. Biden even remains competitive in the head-to-head polls.

The poll was conducted more than two weeks after the intense scrutiny that came upon Mr. Biden's age in early February, when a special counsel described him in a report as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” and “diminished faculties in advancing age.”
  Joe Biden is not getting younger, and it’s doubtful he’s going to become more skilled or be able to show a kind of "focus and energy" that Democrats are calling for him to exhibit in order to "calm American's fears."

This unease that has long surfaced in polls and in quiet conversations with Democrat officials, appears to be growing


