62% Majority of Voters Are Concerned Cheating Will Impact 2024 Election: Heartland-Rasmussen Poll

20% of Swing State Voters say they received more than one 2020 ballot in the mail at their home address

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — “The fact that more than 60% of likely voters are concerned about Election Integrity should be a massive wake-up call to all those who refuse to admit that potential cheating in elections is a major problem,” said Chris Talgo, Editorial Director of The Heartland Institute, releasing a new survey by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute that found a staggering 62% of "Likely Voters" are concerned about "election integrity."

While Democrats and the nation's mainstream media insist the 2020 Election was "fair" and "the most secure election ever," voters are not convinced – and a large majority worry that cheating will be an issue come November.

Giving credence to their concerns about cheating affecting the 2024 election, nearly 20% of both National and Battleground State Voters admit that they received more than one mail-in ballot at their residence.

  • Nearly 1-in-5 of those surveyed nationwide said that in 2020 they received multiple Mail-In Ballots, with
  • 18% saying they “personally received more than one official ballot in the mail or received a ballot for someone who does not live at their address” in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, Rasmussen reported.

For voters in the all-important Swing States, where the 2020 election was decided by less than 20,000 votes in most cases:

  • 20% said they personally received more than one ballot in the mail at their home address,
  • or a ballot intended for someone who no longer lives at that address.

“The number who say they got multiple mail-in ballots in 2020 is higher (20%) among voters in six states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin) viewed as key ‘battlegrounds’ in this year’s election,” read the poll's summary report.

“As the 2020 election demonstrated, mass mailing of ballots based on outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting, unattended drop boxes, and no excuse Mail-In Voting has made it easier than ever for those who are committed to breaking the law and illegally voting,” Talgo said.

“The fact that nearly 1-in-5 'Likely Voters' received multiple ballots before the 2020 Election cements the case for the urgent need for Election Integrity Reform measures across the states.”

Conducted from July 9th-12th, 2024, the Telephone & Online Survey of 2,466 "Likely Voters" asked the question:

“How concerned are you that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election?”

  • With a combined 62% responding that they held various degrees of "concern" about cheating in the 2024 Election,
    • 37% said they were "very" concerned,
    • 25% were "somewhat" concerned,
    • 20% said they were "not very" concerned,
    • 15% "not at all" concerned, and
    • 3% responded that they were "not sure."

Notably, the survey was taken before the attempted assassination against former President Donald J. Trump, and before President Joe Biden was forced to withdraw and end his re-election bid.

The same question was put to 5,605 "Likely Voters" in the Battleground States of Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The results were strikingly similar – with 62% again expressing concerns about "election integrity."

Also of note:

  • Slightly more than 1% of "Likely Voters" in the Battleground States said they are not U.S. Citizens, while
  • Nationally more than 5% said they are not U.S. Citizens.

“In December of last year, we discovered that more than one in every five voters admitted to voting fraudulently during the 2020 Election,” said Donald Kendal, director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute.

“In April of this year, we found that 28% of 'Likely Voters' admitted they would cheat in the upcoming 2024 Election if given the opportunity.

"Given these past results, it should come as no surprise that a large majority of voters are concerned that cheating will impact the 2024 election,” Kendal said, adding,

“These findings collectively illustrate a dire need for comprehensive election integrity reforms to be instituted in all 50 states.”

The Heartland Institute's vice president & director of communications, Jim Lakely, said it’s “no wonder” voters are concerned considering what transpired in 2020.

“Millions of Americans watched normal election rules be thrown out the window in 2020, and then watched the count drag on and on in just the states that Joe Biden needed to win the election by the narrowest of margins.

The tools for election fraud are everywhere – that’s why people are rightly worried that millions of illegal ballots might be cast in November."

"It’s no wonder, then, that a strong majority of Americans are worried that cheating will affect the outcome this November – and they have good reason to worry,” said Lakely.

After the 2020 election demonstrated, many states have passed new legislation to try and address the mass mailing of ballots based on outdated voter rolls, prohibit in some ways ballot harvesting, and outlawed unattended drop boxes.

"Most states have done little to nothing to fix their broken election laws, which is a recipe for conducting ‘the most important election in our lifetimes’ that is also the least-secure in the Western world,” Lakely said.

And, many states have yet to address the "No Excuse" Mail-In Voting practices that have made it easier than ever for those committed to illegally voting,



