A Letter From the Chairwoman — Remembering Our Fallen Warriors

For the men & women who've made the ultimate sacrifice, we honor their memories & sacrifices on Memorial Day

By Texas Veterans Land Board Chairwoman & Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D.

Dear Veteran,

Here at the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB), we strive every day to supply the best benefits in the country to the Texas Veterans who have served our grateful nation. However, for the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice and cannot benefit from this support, we honor their memories and sacrifices during Memorial Day.

Memorial Day started as “Decoration Day” and was originally a commemoration of the deaths of Civil War soldiers during which citizens would lay flowers upon their graves. After World War I, this commemoration was expanded into an occasion to honor the heroes who died in all of America’s wars, and after 1971, “Memorial Day” was officially observed on the last Monday in May.
While many of the traditions of Memorial Day have been updated since America first began its unofficial observance, the sentiment of this somber day has remained the same.

Unlike other military holidays, Memorial Day is a time to exclusively honor heroes that are no longer with us. It's a day of tears and grief – but it is also a day of tremendous inspiration and gratitude.

There is no greater example of selflessness and patriotism than the men and women who have given their lives in service to our country.

From the revolutionaries who fought at the birth of our nation, to the heroes who served in our most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, all our fallen warriors deserve our unwavering respect. We are the home of the free because of the brave, and as we mourn these tragic losses while also honoring their dignity, we must remember that the freedom we cherish has always come at a cost.

For Texans who strive to carry on the true patriotic spirit of this day, the VLB has several opportunities to honor the men and women we have lost in service to our great nation. Texans can participate in Memorial Day ceremonies at any of our four Texas State Veterans Cemeteries in Abilene, Corpus Christi, Killeen, and Mission.

Additionally, these locations will be open 24 hours a day from Friday, May 26, through Memorial Day, Monday, May 29. The public is invited to drive through the cemeteries after dark to experience the “Avenue of Flags” that will be lit throughout the night along with the headstones of those killed or missing in action who are interred at the cemeteries.
  On this day of remembrance – and every day – I encourage Texans to pause and reflect upon the freedoms we enjoy because of the sacrifices of our military members and Veterans.

We live in the best nation in the world because of their selfless service.

For Texas,

Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham, M.D.


