After Friday's Supreme Court Decision, Pro-Choice 'Tolerant Left" Shows Its True Colors

Threats, vandalism, violence, intimidating judges – the Pro-Abortion Movement Makes Its Violent Tendencies Clear

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — “The hell with the Supreme Court – we will defy them,” exclaimed Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA,) to protesters that gathered in front of the U.S. Supreme Court immediately after the decision was announced Friday. And self-proclaimed Democrat-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY,) called out to her legion of followers, claiming that the Supreme Court was “illegitimate,” while urging pro-abortion supporters “into the streets."  
“You see this out here?” added Cong. Waters, pointing to the crowd in from of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

“And if they think Black women are intimidated or afraid, they got another thought coming. You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Waters exclaimed.

The California lawmaker was joined by multiple fellow Democrats outside the Supreme Court, who similarly decried the decision. Congressman Al Green (D-TX,) echoed Waters' remarks, adding that pro-choice women are not "fighting alone."
"This is not over. It's just a genesis of a new beginning," exhorted Green to the protesters in front of the Supreme Court.

Cities and churches, in response, are preparing for protests and potential violence – especially given the documented record of recent attacks against churches, pro-life organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, and a politician.

Perhaps, then, it shouldn't be surprising that the rhetoric and the actions of the pro-choice movement turned so quickly violent after a draft and leaked opinion was made public several weeks ago. Perhaps the fact that the movement's public activities, in particular, are increasingly destructive and violent is an indication of things to come – as Democrat politicians themselves have alluded to.
  Following Friday's Supreme Court Dobbs decision that reversed the original Roe v. Wade ruling – and sent such policy decisions back to each individual state for determination – the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned that threats of political violence, especially against Judges and State Officials, will probably intensify in the future.
A DHS memo in May warned that “domestic violence extremists and criminal actors have adopted narratives surrounding abortion rights to encourage violence, likely increasing the threat to government, religious, and reproductive healthcare personnel and facilities and ideological opponents.”

And so they have.

A group calling itself “Jane’s Revenge” distributed flyers across the U.S. Capital and the country proposing a “night of rage” when the court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Given the heated rhetoric and the use of Molotov cocktails in some instances, it’s possible that America may soon witness another wave of destruction and violence similar to the "Black Lives Matter" summer of "peaceful protests" – which elected officials and abortion-backers have been alluding to without much, if any, scrutiny at all – where the tolerant left is seen pursuing yet another scorched-earth policy against their opponents?
Dozens of pregnancy help centers and other pro-life groups across the country have already been enduring threats of violence, or have had their offices vandalized in recent weeks.

Churches have experienced much the same.

Authorities even recently arrested a California resident who traveled cross-country to Washington, D.C., where he told a Maryland 911 operator that he wanted to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. (He has since pled not guilty to attempted murder).

Threats, vandalism, doxxing, violence – is this what the pro-choice movement is about? It certainly seems that way, especially when activist groups threaten to “take increasingly drastic measures against oppressive infrastructures,” and prominent pro-choice politicians remain silent about the rising number of such incidents against pro-lifers.

The New York Times now has an entire section devoted to keeping its readers’ angst about abortion at a constant fever pitch.
  After the Supreme Court's still-unresolved leak of the Roe decision, pro-choice activists have aggressively sought to intimidate members of the nation's highest court.

Pro-choice group “Ruth Sent Us” a couple of weeks ago alluded to targeting Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett at her home, church, and the school her children attend. And protestors have regularly appeared outside Justice Samuel Alito’s home in Virginia, while others on social media have threatened to kill him.

Cong. Ocasio-Cortez is one of 27 House Democrats who recently opposed a bill that would have bolstered security measures for the justices, following protests outside their homes.

The legislation was held up in the House when Democrats conditioned their support – and its passage – on adding similar security details for Court Clerks.

Who Is The Real Extremist?

Prior to the Supreme Court's decision, the United States was one of only seven countries to allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy – along with Canada, Singapore, the Netherlands, as well as the communist, totalitarian regimes of North Korea, China, and Vietnam.

And the “take no prisoners” approach to reporting on abortion in the media – which is really opinion as journalism – represents another aspect of the inherent manner the pro-abortion issue has been portrayed to the voting public.

Another is the increasingly radicalized rhetoric in their public opinions. Such language matches well with the shift in pro-choice rhetoric from “safe, legal and rare,” to “shout your abortion” and “abortion without limits.” 
  Most of the nations in Europe have more life-protecting, or restrictive abortion regulations than the United States: only three of 42 European countries that permit elective abortion allow it past 15 weeks.

For all the claims from the tolerant and the pro-choice left – as well as from the Democrat Party – it is they who have, and are promoting a call to violence.

Abortion was, and always will be, an unprovoked act of murderous aggression against the innocent – including women in the womb.

The pro-choice movement is simply showing its true colors.


