After Inappropriate Behavior Complaint Against State Rep. Slaton, Colleague says, "He needs to resign. Now!"

Inappropriate Behavior with an intern complaint hits Texas House Investigating Committee

By David Erinakes

As Republicans move forward with an aggressive agenda of low taxes, low regulation and maximum safety for all Texans, at what point will the Speaker and House of Representatives say enough is enough in regard to State Representative from District 2, Bryan Slaton? While just an opinion, the recent and latest news today of an unconfirmed arrest from sources – and apparently the Speaker's Office locking his office – should make you say "enough!"
Some of his fellow State Legislators are saying just that.

State Rep. Steve Toth (R-Spring,) tweeted earlier this morning:

"Unfortunately, calling the behavior of @BryanForHD2 'inappropriate' is a gross understatement. What’s most troubling about the events of this story is that his behavior appears to be predatory.

"Unfortunately, his handlers have closed their eyes to the signs of his dysfunctional behavior because he was willing to do their bidding.

"He needs to resign. Now!"

While everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence, Mr. Slaton's frequent trips to the back microphone on the Floor of the Texas House of Representatives have already been deemed "the clown show," and are partly why Texas Monthly gave him the "Cockroach Award."

His troubling recent behavior only adds to why he is unable to pass his own legislation, and unfortunately never will – which is sad for a district and its citizens that are used to having a strong voice in legislation with its previous representative.

In fact, Slaton often seems proud of providing no value to the good work of the Texas House – except to remind us about what we don’t want in our elected officials.

After Representative Jeff Leach called him a seditious traitor and tweeted on March 6th that one of Slaton's legislative efforts was "ridiculous" and the "very definition of hypocritical & seditious treason & it is already dead,” Slaton went on the Mark Davis Radio Show in Dallas to double down. Mr Davis pushed back on the idea, asking Slaton why he was advocating for such lunacy, which of course Slaton never answered. 

It seems to be that the goal of that particular "clown show" was not much more than an effort to create a scorekeeping vote. The rumor was that Slaton is trying to raise his profile to challenge State Senator Angela Paxton for her seat, in which he would be backed by the same rich outside-of-the-district sources. (See his ethics reports... have Mr. Wilks & Mr. Dunn had enough?)

When combined with the Texas House General Investigating Committee having now received formal complaint that Rep. Slaton had an inappropriate relationship with an intern, Slaton blaming his wife’s depression for his behavior, and the scandalous release of pictures from an Asian website recently, one might reasonably be led to ask: Is that what Republicans want, or are they waiting for the Democrats to hit them with charges of sweeping one of their members behavior under the rug for failure to act?

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan said earlier this week that his office would be looking into the matter.
“The Texas House does not tolerate misconduct or other inappropriate behaviors, and takes all allegations related to these issues seriously.

"I expect this matter to be addressed in a swift and thorough manner under the rules governing our chamber for the 88th Legislature, and all applicable standards of conduct,” Phelan said.

Slaton has been married to his current wife since 2017, and according to court filings filed for divorce in April 2022. They agreed to cease the divorce in November.

David Erinakes is Chief Executive Officer of The E Development Companies, and formerly worked in the Texas Legislature.

Texas State Rep. Bryan Slaton. by is licensed under

