AG Pax­ton Releas­es Bor­der Cri­sis Guid­ance to State and Local Law Enforce­ment, Prop­er­ty Own­ers, Texans

Ultimately, the goal of this information is to help local officials, law enforcement officers, and private property owners as they work to protect the persons they represent as well as the freedom, property, and lives of all Texans.  

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – As Biden’s border crisis grows worse, Attorney General Paxton continues to field inquiries from state and local law enforcement, border-area property owners, and concerned Texans throughout the state. While Attorney General Paxton fights and wins in court to stop the flood of illegal aliens, he also released a guidance packet in response to those most common inquiries, which can be found here.  

Attorney General Paxton made the following statement:  

To my friends and allies in Texas law enforcement, private property owners, and citizens:  
America is in a border crisis. Texas bears the brunt of it. Worse, a combination of federal inaction and an intentional, illegal unwinding of successful Trump-era immigration measures have left local law enforcement, private property owners, and citizens figuring out how to clean up the mess.  

Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are pouring over our border. They are temporarily detained—if at all—before being released, and then make their way through your counties, cities, and property. They bring with them property destruction, theft, financial costs, risks of disease, crime, and the cartels.  

The federal government caused this crisis. Texans pay the price. Local law enforcement, governmental officials, and Texans are left searching for answers and help. Solutions are difficult to come by.  

I have sued the Biden Administration six times for their border crisis and am involved in eight total lawsuits with them on immigration matters. We’re winning. But there is still more that must be done.  

I have prepared this packet of information for you that outlines the basic legal concepts to consider as Texans face these unprecedented challenges—circumstances brought on by a federal government that has abdicated its responsibility to secure our border and protect its citizens. Ultimately, the goal of this information is to help local officials, law enforcement officers, and private property owners as they work to protect the persons they represent as well as the freedom, property, and lives of all Texans.  

I stand ready to assist you in using all the powers I have as your Attorney General. To that end, we have set up an email address you can use to send us immigration-related information, complaints, and recommendations: My attorneys will monitor this around the clock, and, so long as the situation is appropriate and the law allows, we will help.
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