HUNTER: Fauci’s Making a Play for History, for His 'Legacy'

To hear him tell it, his whole career has been great – and he saved the world from COVID-19. Just ask him.
By Derek Hunter

That Anthony Fauci became the face of COVID-19 is a testament to how bureaucrats, especially liberal ones, fail up. Not that being the face of a pandemic is a good thing, but that he became “THE expert” on a virus he likely helped create after only being known for his work on an HIV vaccine shows how there is no room in government for success. 

If you’re saying to yourself, “Hey, there is an HIV vaccine,” you would be right. The only thing Anthony Fauci was known for before COVID was failing miserably in his biggest assignment. He wanted a vaccine (it’s like a fetish with him) and we ended up with a drug treatment that works pretty well. When COVID struck, Fauci snapped into the same old mode – develop a vaccine and any and all costs, nothing else matters.

How’d that work out again?

To hear him tell it, great.  His whole career has been great, and he saved the world from the coronavirus. Just ask him.

At least, that’s the point of his new book. 

It’s not often someone fails miserably to write a book that is anything other than a cautionary tale, but Tony hopes to write the first draft of history and cement his name on top of the hero column. This would be impossible under every single other circumstance than one where the alternative is Donald Trump. In that equation, anyone across from him wins.

Because of Trump, MSNBC, The View, CNN, you name it, will hoist this hypocritical dwarf on their heads and pretend he was the only thing standing between civilization and destruction.
The truth about this man, as is often the case with garbage people, is the opposite of what he portrays.

On The View this week, Fauci listened intently as racist co-host Sonny Hostin blamed Donald Trump for the death of her mother- and father-in-law from COVID. She told Fauci, “We remember those pandemic briefings. I remember the injection of bleach, perhaps, the hydroxychloroquine, dangerous recommendations. You were particularly disturbed, I read, by [Trump’s] refusal to wear a mask. What was this time like for you, having to contradict the President of the United States? And what should everyone know about how he handled the crisis because I blame him for my in-laws’ death.”

To this, Fauci only replied, “Yeah,” then moved on to talk about other things.

Fauci knows Trump isn’t responsible for their deaths. Sonny knows he’s not. 

Maybe they listened to Fauci and wore masks, thinking they’d been made safe by them and made stupid moves that put them at risk? Or maybe they just got it because there wasn’t really any way to avoid getting it? 

Whatever the case, it wasn’t Trump’s fault. 

As for the, “I remember the injection of bleach, perhaps, the Hydroxychloroquine, dangerous recommendations,” bit, where were her in-laws morons? I have to ask because no one suggested injecting bleach except liberals trying to mock Trump. Did they die that way?

Or did they take Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin? These are the favorite boogeymen of the left. “He took horse paste!” They scream like teenage girls at a Beatles concert in 1964. They never mention how those medicines have been around for decades without killing people and, most importantly, they don’t talk about how the alternative to trying those drugs was nothing. 

There was nothing else at the time. Doctors told people to take a pain reliever and hope symptoms don’t get any worse, but if they do and they can’t breathe, go to the hospital and get on a ventilator while they get their affairs in order and prepare to die. It was Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, or nothing. Since people don’t die from taking those drugs for other things, it’s unlikely they harmed Sonny’s family. 

Fauci knows this. Fauci said nothing. 

Only a garbage person would sit silently as someone smeared the President with an allegation they know is untrue; while a panel of people smeared the President with lies. 

Fauci let it all slide because he wants to sell books, but more importantly, he wants every bit of blame to be directed at anyone who isn’t him. He’s making a play for history, for his legacy.

Tony Fauci’s true legacy is one of failure, lies, and self-aggrandizement. That his perverted version of events now sits in the pages of a book doesn’t make it any truer than when he was lying from the podium at the White House.

That is ultimately what history will remember. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the massesFollow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


