ARRINGTON: U.S. House Passes 'Limit, Save & Grow Act' to Tackle Debt Ceiling Issue

The 1st Step to growing the economy & getting our fiscal house in order is to get the President to the negotiating table. 

By Cong. Jodey Arrington

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, legislation that would responsibly address the debt ceiling. House Republicans’ debt ceiling proposal is an important first step to getting our fiscal house in order and a good faith effort to bring the President to the negotiating table. 

I started off last week by testifying before the House Rules Committee after filing H.R. 2811, the Limit, Save, Grow Act. Our national debt is unsustainable, but not unfixable. If we don’t change course – and soon – we won’t just be trying to stave off a recession. We will be facing a full-blown sovereign debt crisis that would threaten not only our economy and national security, but our way of life and America’s leadership in the world.
Then, I made one last plea to Biden and the Democrats at our House Republican Leadership press conference to work across the aisle and negotiate with us on this legislation. What we're asking President Biden to do is to do what he did when he was Vice President, do what he did simply when he was in the Senate: come to the table and enact common-sense spending controls and fiscal reforms as we raise the debt ceiling, pay our bills, and protect the good faith and credit of the United States.  

Outside of my work tackling our nation's budget, I was proud to vote for H. J. Res. 39 — which would overturn Biden’s anti-worker, Pro-China policy — as it passed the House with bipartisan support.  

During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, I questioned U.S. Commissioner Daniel Werfel about the accountability and transparency of the IRS. Click here to watch my remarks.  

I also participated a House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee hearing on China’s predatory trade practices that threaten American jobs and supply chains. To watch my remarks, click here.

Finally, I am always so proud to bear our banner far and wide on behalf of Red Raider Nation as we strive for honor evermore. Happy 100th birthday to Texas Tech! Get your Guns Up and God Bless West Texas!

Cong. Jodey Arrington represents the 19th Congressional District of Texas, and was elected to serve as Chairman of the House Budget Committee at the beginning of 2023. He believes confronting our unsustainable National Debt is the greatest challenge of the 21st Century. He is Co-Chairman of the Rural Health Care Task Force, and in 2021 was appointed to serve on Congress’ Joint Economic Committee (JEC.)

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