Babin Comments on Houston Ship Channel Key Funding

“The Houston Ship Channel is the busiest deep draft waterway in the country, and serves as the epicenter of our national energy industry,” said Babin.

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) released the following statement after the announcement by the Trump Administration that the Houston Ship Channel would receive vital funding in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fiscal Year 2020 Work Plan to deepen and widen the waterway.

The Houston Ship Channel-Expansion Channel Improvement Project (HSC-ECIP) will receive $1,130,000 in the Work Plan for pre-construction and engineering and design. Additionally, the Port of Houston will be given $70,387,500 to go toward the total maintenance dredging allocation for the Houston Ship Channel.

“The Houston Ship Channel is the busiest deep draft waterway in the country, and serves as the epicenter of our national energy industry,” said Babin. “These funds will greatly aid in expediting the dredging and widening of the Channel in order to bring much needed efficiencies to one of America’s largest transportation assets. The HSC-ECIP will allow U.S. companies as well as the Port to significantly increase the number of inbound and outbound vessels, helping to strengthen and solidify the U.S. as a world energy leader.

“While this is an incredible win for Texas, I will continue working to ensure the dredging and widening of the Houston Ship Channel reaches completion.”

The Port Houston’s Executive Director voiced his support:

“Getting this crucial funding from the Corps is tremendous news for the Houston Ship Channel.  The funds will benefit the channel in significant key areas including enabling us to keep our channel expansion project on an expedited schedule, and providing the critical ongoing maintenance of this vital federal waterway.”

“We are grateful for the leadership Congressman Babin has shown in supporting and promoting the Army Corps of Engineers project, and we recognize the value this brings to the community,” said Roger Guenther, Executive Director, Port of Houston.
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