After Record-Breaking Number of Illegal Aliens Apprehended at Southern Border, Cong. Babin Demands DHS Focus on Its Mission

“We had a record-breaking number of illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border last year – several on the terrorist watchlist – yet Secretary Mayorkas is silent about that.”
–Representative Brian Babin. 

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) led 39 of his colleagues in sending a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, demanding he stop prioritizing the “threat of climate change” and focus on the Department’s true mission: Securing the border and protecting against threats to the Homeland.

“We had a record-breaking number of illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border last year – several on the terrorist watchlist – yet Secretary Mayorkas is silent about that,” said Babin.

“He’s spending his time – and taxpayer dollars – setting up hiring programs to fight climate change. Obviously, climate change is not the greatest threat we face, and pursuing this issue is clearly a departure from DHS’s real job.

"It’s long past time that the Secretary uphold his oath of office. Doing otherwise is a dereliction of duty and an impeachable offense,” said Babin.

“The priorities of DHS Secretary Mayorkas are clearly out of whack. On the same day that he announced new recruiting for ‘a growing focus on adapting to climate change,’ he ignored the cries for help from U.S. Border Patrol Agents who had almost 11,000 illegal aliens in custody – and were in the process of arresting over 5,000 more," said Retired U.S. Border Patrol Chief and current Distinguished Senior Fellow for Border Security at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Rodney Scott (right.)
"This is all while 100s of drug smugglers and illegal aliens were simultaneously able to evade arrest because the Border Patrol is simply out of agents to respond.

"Border security is the clear and present threat to our nation,” said Scott.

“Ever since President Biden took office, a crisis has continued to rage, unchecked, at our southern border. With this in mind, we applaud Rep. Babin for taking Secretary Mayorkas to task and holding him accountable for neglecting to secure our nation's borders in favor of promoting new, unnecessary climate programs that detract from the agency's core mission. Texans are well served by representatives like Congressman Babin who are advocating for them in Washington,” said Garrett Bess, Vice President of Heritage Action.

“We agree that DHS' urgent priority should be to address the worst border crisis in our country’s history. Whatever one thinks about the goals or merits of DHS' new proposed program, they will be difficult if not impossible to meet if the United States cannot enforce its own limits on immigration," added Rosemary Jenks, Director, Government Relations for NumbersUSA.
  • Read the full letter here.
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