Bi-Partisan Texas Cong. Michael McCaul to face "California Socialist" Mike Siegel

Siegel takes on McCaul with progressive Socialist-Democrat Platform that'd devastate Texans’ way of life

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — Congressman Michael McCaul has spent his entire career in Congress fighting for Texas families and Texas workers – it’s why he's rated as one of "The 5 Most Effective Members of Congress," (he is ranked 3rd,) as well as the 25th Most Bi-Partisan member of the House of Representatives. Last Tuesday, Democrat primary voters in Texas Congressional District 10 – running from north Austin east to the N.W. suburbs of Houston, including the iconic cities of La Grange & Columbus, Texas – selected Mike Siegel to run against McCaul in November's General Election. Siegel, an Austin area attorney from California, turns out to be one the most radical liberals running for Congress anywhere in America.

With endorsements from leaders on the far-left such as Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren, Siegel appears to be running to be the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (known by her initials AOC, from New York's 14th Congressional District,) of Texas.

In fact, Siegel (at right,) is campaigning on a platform of progressive-far-left policies that would devastate Texans’ way of life.

In May, McCaul was named the 25th Most Bi-Partisan member of the House of Representatives by a joint project of Georgetown University and the Lugar Center. The effort is part of a yearly ranking to identify how often each Member of Congress works across party lines.

Said McCaul of the ranking:

“Voters want a representative who gets things done. I’m proud of my record of focusing on results – not party politics – to make a difference in the lives of my constituents.

"The American people need a Congress that finds common ground in order to solve problems. While at times Washington can feel broken with partisanship and divisiveness, it doesn’t have to be that way,” said McCaul.

“The coronavirus pandemic is highlighting the importance of working together, Democrats and Republicans, and I'll continue to work with all of my colleagues to do that.”

Siegel, on the other hand – with the backing of self-proclaimed Democrat-Socialist Bernie Sanders, as well as Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi and their far-left agenda – has established himself as one of the most radical, left-wing liberals running for Congress anywhere in America in 2020.
Saying he speaks for Texas voters and families, Siegel won the Democrat primary run-off by campaigning on an agenda attacking the very policies that ensure the prosperity and quality of life Texans enjoy. He supports, among other things:

  • A Government Takeover of the Nation's Health Care System, though it would completely eliminate Employer-Based Insurance for millions of Americans
  • A system of rationed, lower-quality Health Care
  • Open Border Policies that harm American Workers by giving their jobs to illegal immigrants,
    • and Siegel opposes Deportation of Violent, Criminal Illegal Immigrants
  • AOC's radical "Green New Deal," which has declared war on the Texas Oil & Gas Industry at a time it's being crushed by the global pandemic
    • Siegel’s attack on Texas Energy would eliminate 10's of 1,000's of Texas Jobs
  • And Siegel has also said he would raise taxes on hardworking Texas families to pay for his massive Federal Government spending growth

The McCaul for Congress Campaign has been working to share his record of bi-partisan leadership with voters in every corner of the district.

And in addition to being one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress, McCaul is ranked as the 3rd Most Effective Member of Congress by the Center for Effective Lawmaking.

From founding the bi-partisan Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus, to playing an instrumental role in the fight against human trafficking, McCaul says he is running on a record of results – and will continue to put the best interest of his constituents above partisan party politics.

McCaul founded the Childhood Cancer Caucus to give a voice to the nearly 16,000 children diagnosed with cancer every year, as well as the survivors who face long-term health issues stemming from the treatments they received as children. Under his leadership. Congress has passed major legislation in the fight against childhood cancer.

At a time when America is in the middle of trying to make an economic comeback, Siegel is pushing policies that are harmful to workers and their livelihoods. For instance, the ultimate objective of the Green New Deal is to effectively abolish the Oil & Gas Industry, which would have devestating effects on the Texas economy. Oil and gas revenue provides critical resources for the state to take care of its most vulnerable citizens, as well as educating our children.

Furthermore, America has just recently become a net exporter of oil & gas, allowing the United State to no longer rely on foreign nations or the Middle east to fuel our economy. 

Immediately following Siegel’s victory in the run-off, McCaul noted:

"Now more than ever, its important to have representatives who look for common ground – rather than playing partisan party politics. Voters in Congressional District 10 will have a clear choice this November.”

The McCaul campaign released a digital ad shortly after the primary run-off election, entitled “Radical Liberal”, that highlights Siegel’s extremism, and has been building the Congressman's general election grassroots operation for more than a year.

McCaul's Campaign also recently announced it had raised a personal record $645,000 in the 2nd Quarter, giving it a massive $1.3 million in Cash-on-Hand advantage with under four months to Election Day.

“I am humbled by the outpouring of support from so many uniting behind our message about getting things done in a bipartisan way on the issues that matter,” McCaul said.

“I'll continue to do just that as I advocate on behalf of the medical workers fighting on the front lines against the coronavirus, support small businesses and the Texas energy industry, and stand up to the Chinese Communist Party. I'm proud to be running on a record of results, and look forward to continuing my work for the people of the 10th Congressional District,” says McCaul.

The McCaul Campaign says it has the largest Grassroots Voter Contact Program of any Congressional Race in the country, in addition to being ranked as the most bi-partisan representative from Texas.


