Cong. Gooden: Its a National Disgrace – Biden's Selling Our Oil Reserves to China & Continues to Ignore the Border

Our Strategic Oil Reserves are meant to be used in times of war, and 1,000s of unvetted migrants pour across the border each day

By Cong. Lance Gooden

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Early last week an illegal immigrant in Richmond, Virginia was arrested just before he was able to carry out a planned 4th of July Event shooting. And in Texas, a convicted rapist was detained after he illegally crossed our Southern Border for the second time.

And President Biden continues to ignore the Immigration Crisis. I demanded that President Biden declare the border crisis a national emergency nearly a year ago, but since then he's refused to even visit the border.

The president has prevented the Federal Government from enforcing our Immigration Laws by allowing the crisis to escalate to a complete border invasion. The U.S. Constitution gives states the power to declare an invasion and take matters into their own hands.

Thousands of unknown and unvetted migrants pour across the border each day, putting the safety of our communities and our families at risk.

On Thursday, Texas announced the State’s National Guard will begin detaining and returning migrants to the border.

I fully support Texas taking every action possible to secure the southern border and keep our state safe.

Biden Sends Strategic Oil Reserves to China

While Americans struggle with the highest gas prices in decades, it was revealed more than five million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves were sold overseas – including to a Chinese company with ties to Hunter Biden.

Our Strategic Petroleum & Oil Reserves are meant to be held for use in times of war to keep our nation safe – not to enrich friends and business allies of the president’s family.

Congress must investigate this decision, and whether or not Hunter Biden financially benefited from the sale.

Congressman Lance Gooden represents Texas’ 5th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he serves on the House Financial Services Committee. The 5th Congressional District of Texas stretches from Dallas County to Cherokee, Henderson, Kaufman, Anderson, Van Zandt & Wood Counties.


