Biden's ‘Intentionally Unsecured the Most Secure Border Ever,’ says former ICE Director Homan – Here's Why

“Nobody has done more to enrich organized crime (in Mexico) than President Biden.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — “The bottom line is, we have the first president in the history of this nation that came into office, and within days intentionally unsecured the most secure border we've ever had,” said former Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan. And, Homan says, President Joe Biden has created a "border crisis" not through incompetence, but by design as he seeks a larger Democrat voter base.
“This has been a complete 180 turnaround – and it’s by design. It’s not incompetence, it’s not mismanagement – this is what they they want, and its why they haven’t done one thing, not one thing to slow the flow," Homan (right,) told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” on Tuesday.

The former Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director claimed that Biden has “sold out to the progressive left to win the election,” and is now promoting their policies, which includes bringing new Democrat voters into the country.
“They think this will lead to perpetual power in Congress, and lead to them being in power to Congress for years to come.

"That’s the only reason you want an insecure border.”

Homan said that former President Donald Trump “had illegal immigration down 81%,” which was the “most secure border” in his entire career. But, now "we have a president that came in within days, unsecured the border and we have a Secretary of Homeland Security that’s helping him do that.”

Homan called that “unbelievable,” and the most “unpresidential thing I’ve ever heard,” suggested that both Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “should both be impeached.”

Trump said during an October 8th appearance on Fox News’ “Sean Hannity show” that all the Democrats had to do to secure the border was to “leave it alone.” He emphasized that President Biden's open borders have increased the number of – and the volumn of – illegal drugs that are crossing freely into the country.
“I will say the border we had was the strongest probably ever. All they have to do is leave it alone.

"They sued us, the Democrats in Congress, for two and a half years. We won all the suits, but in two and a half years, we were able to start,” Trump told host Sean Hannity.

“Drugs were at the lowest point – in particular fentanyl, which is a brutal drug, it was stopped 
it was at a level we had not seen in a long time,” said the former president, adding that the deadly narcotic is now entering the country at unprecedented levels.

“Three, four, five times more than we ever had coming in – they're pouring into our country.

"There’s something wrong. You wouldn’t believe you could even say this, but somebody doesn’t love our country,” Trump said.

Democrat Laredo, Texas, Mayor Pete Saenz said in September that former President Trump’s immigration policies were "working," and that Border Security was effective under Trump's programs.

Saenz lamented that President Biden has allowed the situation at the U.S. Southern Border to get out of control – and that the border is in need of some kind of wall, either physical or virtual to "deter or at least buy time for law enforcement."
"We need to truly secure the border," Saenz told the Washington Free Beacon. "It was working under Trump – call it whatever you want to call it, but it was working."

"The border's not secure, and hasn't been for a while," he said.

Saenz said Laredo’s public services are in desperate need of relief from the federal government after being overwhelmed with providing humanitarian aid, medical services and transportation for the 1,000s of migrants flooding into his city. 

"We can't continue this way – and I really haven't seen any measures yet from Washington to remedy this."

"If Biden doesn't come out with implementing a virtual wall, people here will be begging for a wall – a physical structure – simply because of his lack of attention, especially with these surges," he told the Free Beacon. 

"Border Patrol isn't being funded to the extent that Border Patrol has to be funded, and their workload has increased to three or four times (what it used to be.)

"That kind of leads me to think the Democrats have the same mentality [toward the Border Patrol] as they do for 'defunding law enforcement' generally."
  Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said in April,
“Nobody has done more to enrich organized crime (in Mexico) than President Biden.”

And, White House press secretary Jen Psaki continues to push back on the fact that the Southern Border is open.
  After the the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that it must do so, the Biden Administration has said it plans to reinstate President Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy.

