WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Under a Joe Biden presidency, Americans would pay significantly more in taxes, while in a second President Trump term middle class Americans would see their taxes cut according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB).
- Biden’s economic policies would increase taxes by an astounding $4.3 trillion, while
- Trump’s proposals call for tax cuts of approximatly $1.7 trillion.
- Under Biden’s plan, the largest tax hike would be an increase in Corporate Tax Rates – eventually passed on to American consumers – from 21% to 28%, the CRFB said.

- Biden supports a laundry list of spending items that would quickly eat through much of the revenue raised by his taxes,
- including an estimated $1.9 trillion for his health care "public option," and other health policies.
- Biden would also spend, on the low end, an estimated $3 trillion on the so-called "Green New Deal" environment-related projects.
CRFB estimated that President Trump’s spending increases on issues such as school choice would be largely marginal, while his health care proposals would actually save the government money – as would his proposals for reduced Middle East troop involvement.
The CRFB said Trumptax plans call for:
- Cutting the indivual Income Tax Rate for those in the Middle Class
- Indexing Capital Gains Taxes to inflation
- Cutting the Capital Gains Taxes to 15%, and
- Cutting Marginal Income Tax Rate for individuals 22%to 15%.

"Biden's tax plans are further to the Socialist Left than anything even the liberal nominees of yesteryear dreamed. Its the most radical plan proposed by a major presidential nominee in any of our lifetimes – including those of Jimmy Carter, George McGovern, Barack Obama, or even Hillary Clinton.
President Trump's tax cut proposals would extend the cuts in his Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017. With only the current provisioins passed in the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, CRFB’s central and low-end estimates forecast those tax cuts would remain flat at $1.25 trillion. But with the president's additional proposals, Trump could potentially cut Individual Taxes by $2.45 trillion.
Biden's plan would:
- Increase the Payroll Tax Minimum for Social Security,
- Charge large banks a “Financial Risk Fee,” and
- Have the IRS crack down on tax evasion.
- According to the CRFB. Biden’s plan also includes a 15% Minimum Tax on “book” profits.
- Breaks for insourcing from China
- Expansion of Opportunity Zones, and
- 100% expensing for "essential industries."

"Is it any wonder that Socialist-Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders and radical leftist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have enthusiastically embraced the Biden plan?" asked Moore.
"Some economists, myself included, worry that we could be looking at a second Great Depression with the Biden policies," he said.