SEN. BIRDWELL: 'The Crisis at Our Southern Border Warrants Exclusive Devotion..."

“Public safety is government's first responsibility, and there's no greater threat in Texas right now than the failed, open-border policies of the Biden Administration.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Last Thursday, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick announced the creation of the Senate Committee on Border Security and named State Senator Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) as the chair. As its name suggests, this committee will evaluate and address the numerous issues that arise from Texas' unique international border.

"The crisis at our southern border warrants the exclusive devotion of an entire legislative committee, and we're fortunate Lt. Governor Patrick has charged us with this mission. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to lead this committee,” said Sen. Birdwell said.

“Sadly, our border with Mexico has long been the source of steady human trafficking, drug smuggling, and illegal immigration. These unlawful enterprises threaten every aspect of our state's sovereignty and have a discernably harmful impact on public safety and the economy at large."

Birdwell said he expects the committee to begin holding public hearings in early spring, and will direct the committee's attention to the Lt. Governor's forthcoming Interim Charges.

In a statewide announcement, Lt. Governor Patrick explained the impetus for the new committee.
“Public safety is government's first responsibility, and there's no greater threat to public safety in Texas right now than the failed, open-border policies of the Biden Administration.”

In addition to this new role, Senator Birdwell serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development. Senator Birdwell previously served as Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Border Security in 2015 during the 84th Legislature.

Birdwell concluded,

"Since 2015, the Texas Legislature has committed enormous Texas taxpayer resources to addressing the mounting, critical needs at the border. Despite these state-led initiatives, senior leaders at the federal government encumber our efforts by actively and willfully neglecting their lawful duty to defend our international border.

"The Committee on Border Security will work alongside Gov. Abbott's office and the associated state executive branch agencies to explore how Texas can continue to protect its citizens and end the border crisis in spite of the reckless policies coming from D.C."

Senators Bob Hall and Juan "Chuy " Hinojosa will serve alongside Chairman Birdwell.

The three members of the recently created committee bring a shared military background to bear on the topic of border security.

