BRADBERRY: National Leaders Are Right to Proactively Counter Technology, Security Threats from Chinese Communist Party

As China increasingly turns to advanced tech tools, the U.S. has to ensure that America takes the lead

By Timothy E. Bradberry

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) —
 In recent years, threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) escalated exponentially, from cyber hacks and cyber espionage to intellectual property theft of American businesses – which the FBI has estimated costs the U.S. economy upwards of $600 billion each year. In a recent and important recognition of this heightened threat environment, Congress passed a series of bills during what they called “China Week,” which focused on protecting American people and businesses from China’s growing ambitions. 

Earlier this year the chair of House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP,) Michigan Congressman John Moolenaar, outlined five core threats from China and why the government must pay attention and take action. He detailed how the “CCP shockingly subsidizes fentanyl exports,” China’s efforts to influence us through growing dependence on their tech platforms, and how China is focused on dominating the global economy.
Here in Texas, so many communities have personally felt the impacts of drugs flowing across Southern border, thanks in large part to China’s role in fueling fentanyl epidemic.

A recent report found that while Mexican cartels drive drugs across the border, “China is the real chemical supplier.”

In early 2024, Customs and Border Control “intercepted a combined 291 pounds of methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine and marijuana in the span of one week.”

But beyond deadly illegal drugs, China is also making concerted attempts to infiltrate our networks – including those connected to local governmentsmilitary bases, and utilities here in Texas – which has the potential to cause chaos if they access our critical infrastructure like our energy grids or water systems.

A joint advisory from the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. early in 2024 warned that “Chinese hackers have at times secretly hidden in U.S. infrastructure for up to five years, ready to conduct a potentially destructive cyberattack if the two countries were to go to war.”

Speaking of war, the CCP is more engaged than ever in the espionage arena, particularly in the theft of defense-related data, including weapons systems designed by the U.S. and our allies. According to Mike Burgess, director general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) the CCP is “engaged in the most sustained scaled and sophisticated theft of intellectual property and expertise in human history,” and frequently “recruits members of the Chinese diaspora, including entrepreneurs, researchers and students, as well as foreign nationals through its Confucius Institutes, which the party promotes as cultural centers, to advance its efforts.”
Chinese spyware has also infiltrated homes of Americans through everyday pieces of hardware Americans have in their homes, including WiFi routers.

These intrusions go beyond just spying or accessing data of an average American family – the FBI warned that hackers can secretly install malware and use the routers to launch cyberattacks on critical U.S. infrastructure.

This is on top of the Bureau’s warnings that China’s cyberespionage program has grown so large that it has become “bigger than all of its major competitors combined.” 

These alarming reports should prompt our leaders to start planning for the future and the destruction China could cause if they are able to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) against us.

For example, China could use AI to enhance their cyber hacking efforts or force other countries and businesses to use China’s AI products, which could serve as yet another back door for the CCP to collect sensitive data. 

This is why America must remain the world’s leading power.

Only by strengthening our economy and our technological capabilities, and in turn bolstering our cyber defense and national security, will we remain safe and secure. Importantly, as China increasingly turns to advanced tech tools, we have to ensure that America takes the lead in developing emerging technologies. This will not only help us counter China, but it will help us ensure technology is being used for good.
If we want to protect the data of our businesses and individuals, we must ensure the U.S. is developing the tools they need.

If not, China will.

When House Republicans took action in September, they passed a series to bills to put our country on the right path to remaining a leader and at the same time holding China accountable. The bills focused on securing America’s supply chain, reshoring critical manufacturing and countering China’s tech influence.

Leaders in Washington, D.C. must continue this work, and remain laser focused on combatting the challenges emanating from China.

We can keep our people, businesses and supply chains secure while also creating jobs at home. It is necessary for our future.

Timothy E. Bradberry is a former official with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), a Past President of the United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association & Foundation, Capital of Texas Chapter, and a Past President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, TX-C Chapter


