Commissioner Buckingham Announces Boggy Cut Gulf Waterway Stabilization Project Funding

"Preserving our state’s vibrant coastline for the enjoyment of beachgoers and the safety of our unique wildlife is a significant responsibility the General Land Office prioritizes.”
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Today, Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. announced the approval of Coastal Erosion Planning & Response Act (CEPRA) funding for the Boggy Cut Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) Stabilization project. The Texas Department of Transportation and Port of Bay City Authority played pivotal roles in securing this funding.

"Preserving our state’s vibrant coastline for the enjoyment of beachgoers and the safety of our unique wildlife is a significant responsibility the General Land Office prioritizes,” said Commissioner Buckingham.

"By using innovative ideas such as utilizing oyster reefs to mitigate the destruction of seasonal wave energy and tropical storms, this noteworthy project will prove essential to the future stability of the Texas coast and the wellbeing of coastal communities and marine life."

The Boggy Cut GIWW Stabilization project seeks to:
  • Address the destructive force of seasonal wave energy and tropical storms by studying the feasibility of enhancing existing oyster features
  • Utilize oyster reefs to weaken catastrophic wave energy of seasonal tropic storms
  • Cultivate a vital environment for wildlife and recreation with these same oyster reefs
With these focused goals, this project sets an example for using CEPRA funds for economic and coastal resilience benefits.

The CEPRA Program helps communities across the coast implement coastal erosion response projects and related studies to understand and reduce coastal erosion as it threatens public beaches, natural resources, coastal development, public infrastructure, and public and private property



