"This legislative session, I made it my priority to vigorously pursue the significant funding necessary to preserve this memorial of Texas heritage. . . "

"Around the globe, the Alamo stands as a symbol of bravery and utmost sacrifice. I have always been committed to preserving and protecting the Shrine of Texas Liberty for future generations," said Commissioner Buckingham.
"Safeguarding this historical landmark is critically important to ensuring Texas’ rich history is properly honored, as well as shared with our schoolchildren and the millions of people who visit every year."
"This legislative session, I made it my priority to vigorously pursue the significant funding necessary to preserve this memorial of Texas heritage," said Buckingham.
"I want to thank Lt. Governor Patrick for his unwavering dedication to the Alamo, as well as, Speaker Phelan, Chairs Huffman and Bonnen and the members of the legislature for granting our bold request. Our sacred Alamo is priceless, and I am thrilled the General Land Office and the Alamo Trust will soon be entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that this generous funding will be used to create an experience worthy of the sacrifices that took place at this revered site."
For more information about the Alamo Plan, visit TheAlamo.org