Land Comm. Buckingham Encourages Texans: Sign Up for 2024's Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup at South Padre Island & Coastal Bend

"I encourage all who can to help support this incredible program and the future of our beautiful beaches by participating in these cleanups."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Today, Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. announced registration is open for volunteers to sign up to participate in the Texas General Land Office's Adopt-A-Beach (AAB) program 2024 Winter Beach Cleanups at South Padre Island on Friday, February 2nd and the Coastal Bend on Saturday, February 3rd. There will be two cleanup locations on South Padre Island and four locations in the Coastal Bend.
Sign up today by visiting

"In 2023, Texans and people from across the country made an enormous difference for the future of Texas beaches by taking the time to volunteer with the GLO's Adopt-A-Beach program and making our cleanups resounding successes with multiple tons of trash removed from the our coastline, said Commissioner Buckingham.

"The 2024 Adopt-A-Beach Winter Cleanups in South Padre and the Coastal Bend are this year's first opportunity to give back to our coastal communities and support the wildlife that calls the Texas coast home. I encourage all who can to help support this incredible program and the future of our beautiful beaches by participating in these cleanups."

This year's sponsors include the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Ocean Conservancy, Valero, the Texas Coastal Management Program, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock, Flint Hills, Wild Spirit Wild Places, Sesco Cement, and SLB.

To stay up-to-date on upcoming Adopt-A-Beach events, sign up for the Adopt-A-Beach newsletter and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

The Adopt-A-Beach program began in the fall of 1986 when 2,800 volunteers picked up 124 tons of trash. Since then, 574,550 Texas Adopt-A-Beach volunteers have picked up nearly 10,000 tons of trash from Texas beaches.

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