"It is foolish to believe any government law, rule or regulation has created more jobs than it has killed."
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – The Texas Climate Jobs Project and the Ray Marshall Center at the University of Texas at Austin recently released a report claiming that some recently proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules to mitigate methane leaks from oil and gas production could create between 19,000 and 35,000 in Texas. But, Texas Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian says he begs to differ.
"For my entire life, liberals have believed that breaking things will grow an economy. Just like a shop owner doesn't grow his business by breaking the window to his shop, you don't grow the Texas economy by breaking the oil and gas industry with anti-oil and gas regulations based on unsettled science from environmental alarmists in Washington DC," said Commissioner Christian of the report.
"Imagine the government creates a water moving program where people use buckets to scoop water out of a lake and then dump it back in on the other side 1,000 times.
"Then the government sends out a press release claiming their program has added 1,000 buckets of water to the lake.
"That's what these methane rules are like – it's harmful government busy-work that distracts from the real problem, which is energy inflation caused by hostile federal government rules reducing oil and gas production.
"It is foolish to believe any government law, rule or regulation has created more jobs than it has killed," said Commissioner Christian.
"It is foolish to believe any government law, rule or regulation has created more jobs than it has killed," said Commissioner Christian.