Ag Commish Sid Miller Launches New Effort to Boost Texas Ag Commodities in Global Markets

“The demand for Texas agricultural products continues to grow, and its important to understand market conditions in a rapidly changing global marketplace."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – “We're the 4th largest agricultural exporter in the nation, and have a unique opportunity to promote Texas products. We must continue to cultivate relationships abroad to help our family farms and ranches here in the Lone Star State,” said Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller earlier today, announcing that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) has partnered with the Center for North American Studies (CNAS) at Texas A&M AgriLife Research to provide global market assessments for more than a dozen Texas agricultural commodities.

These assessments meet high-priority national needs by offering detailed insight on U.S. export market activity and allows Texas producers to have a competitive advantage on the trade front. 

For over a year, the world has seen significant change, forcing agriculture producers to adjust the way they market agricultural and food products. As part of TDA’s continued commitment to Texas agriculture, Commissioner Miller called on the CNAS to develop global market assessments.
“As the market evolves, so do we,” Commissioner Miller said.

“The demand for Texas agricultural products continues to grow, and its important to understand market conditions in a rapidly changing global marketplace.

"I applaud the folks at CNAS and Texas A&M AgriLife for providing Texas producers with the information needed to make strategic decisions regarding their trade activities.”
A total of 15 reports will be completed by the CNAS team. Final versions will be distributed to commodity boards, state agriculture organizations, and related international trade professionals.
The following 15 Texas commodities will be included:
  1. Cabbage
  2. Catfish
  3. Forest Products
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Melons
  6. Mohair
  7. Oranges
  8. Onions
  9. Peanuts
  10. Pecans
  11. Potatoes
  12. Rice
  13. Shrimp
  14. Spinach
  15. Wool
“While working with TDA to develop research activities, Commissioner Miller requested we explore not only the challenges facing agricultural commodity exports, but also the opportunities,” said CNAS Director Dr. Luis Ribera.

“This research allows us to provide the industry with objective analyses. We are able to reflect on market activity from the past 5 to 10 years and can anticipate opportunities for future growth.”
“I want to make sure that our Texas farmers and ranchers have the tools they need to successfully take their products worldwide,” Commissioner Miller said.
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