WASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report) Its interesting the humility as soldiers that the men and women of D-Day had even their sense of humor they were just a different breed. And they won!

They were born during the Great Depression they were tempered by one of the greatest wars ever against one of the greatest evils known to mankind and had they stopped or not been successful we never would have defeated the Nazis.
My father taught me about Duty Honor and Country and was part of that generation the really symbolized the handing down of a better America to the next generation. So I try to tell my kids its important that the children of this current generation know what they did that they commemorate today D-Day was the turning point and continue this story of handing it down to those who follow.
Weve lost a little of this with the current generation and I think it important that the textbooks and the historic sites they visit continue to tell the story of the evil they were fighting said McCaul.