Congressman Brian Babin Introduces Bill to End Birthright Citizenship

“This common-sense legislation corrects decades of misuse and closes the loophole that incentivizes illegal immigration and exploits U.S. citizenship through birth tourism."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX), Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee introduced The Birthright Citizenship Act to restore the 14th Amendment to its original purpose and end the misuse of birthright citizenship. This legislation ensures that automatic citizenship is granted only to children born in the United States with at least one parent who meets one of the following criteria:
  1. A citizen or national of the United States
  2. A lawful permanent resident whose residence is in the United States; or
  3. A lawful immigrant performing active service in the United States Armed Forces.
The introduction of this bill aligns with President Donald Trump’s commitment to make birthright citizenship reform a top priority. Granting automatic citizenship to children of illegal immigrants is based on a flawed interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which was originally intended to ensure recently freed slaves gained full rights as Americans. It was never intended to confer citizenship to children of individuals who enter or remain in the United States illegally.
“America’s citizenship laws should reflect fairness and respect for the rule of law,” said Congressman Babin. “This common-sense legislation corrects decades of misuse and closes the loophole that incentivizes illegal immigration and exploits U.S. citizenship through birth tourism. Citizenship is one of our nation’s most precious privileges. By introducing this legislation, we are taking an important step to restore integrity to our immigration system and prioritize the interests of American citizens.”

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), one out of every ten births in the United States is to an illegal immigrant mother. Additionally, nearly 400,000 expectant mothers cross the border illegally each year intending to give birth in the United States. Once granted automatic citizenship, these children can initiate chain migration, opening pathways for extended family members to gain legal residency. This practice has also fueled a global birth tourism industry, which takes advantage of the current loophole in U.S. immigration laws.

The Birthright Citizenship Act has already garnered exclusive coverage in Fox News
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