"States have the right to govern themselves, but they shouldn’t expect a federal bailout when their radical policies lead to economic disaster."
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) introduced the No Bailouts for Reparations Act, legislation that prohibits the United States government from providing bailouts or other financial assistance to any state or local government that enacts laws implementing reparations programs. This bill ensures that hardworking American taxpayers are not forced to subsidize misguided and divisive reparations policies at the state and local level.
"States have the right to govern themselves, but they shouldn’t expect a federal bailout when their radical policies lead to economic disaster," said Congressman Babin.

"With our national debt surpassing $34 trillion, taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to fund leftist social experiments. If states choose this path, they must bear the financial consequences themselves."
Key Points of the No Bailouts for Reparations Act:
- Protecting Taxpayers: The federal government has no business forcing hardworking Americans to subsidize costly reparations schemes enacted by blue-state politicians. This bill ensures that responsibility stays where it belongs—at the state and local level.
- Preventing Fiscal Irresponsibility: Many states and cities already face massive debt and budget shortfalls. Instead of prioritizing crime reduction, infrastructure, or economic growth, some liberal leaders want to spend billions on reparations. Taxpayers in Texas and across America should not be forced to bail them out when their budgets collapse.
- Opposing Radical Identity Politics: Reparations based on race or historical grievances are not only unfair: they’re unconstitutional and divisive. Our nation should focus on policies that promote economic opportunity for all, not government handouts based on ancestry.