Cong. PETE SESSIONS: Innovation from Texas' 17th

"If heavy duty vehicles were to use propane rather than diesel, we would see a reduction in fuel costs for these vehicles."
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Last Friday, I went up to Dallas to see Nexio’s line of cutting-edge propane-based bobtail trucks showcased at the 2024 Crossroads Propane Expo and Conference. Nexio is a company based out of Nacogdoches and is setting the standard for propane-based engine innovation. This groundbreaking technology will drive future supply chain growth and cut fuel costs for heavy duty vehicles while promoting the domestic production of LNG.

Texas alone produces more than 500,00 barrels of propane per day. If heavy duty vehicles were to use propane rather than diesel, we would see a reduction in fuel costs for these vehicles. As industry leaders are calling for the production of a propane-based heavy duty vehicle engine, Nexio has developed a solution.

Nexio is at the forefront of developmental progress, leading the country from Texas’ 17th.

Congressman Sessions to Host Jewett Town Hall
As I continue to spend the month around the district during August recess, I have enjoyed getting to interact with many of you. This Tuesday, I will be hosting a town hall in Houston County at the Latexo High School gymnasium.

We will be recognizing the 12-time state champion Latexo Math Team, as well as providing a personal platform for you to engage with me about the issues impacting our communities.

Save the date for August 20th, when I will be hosting a town hall in Leon County at the Jewett Civic Center.

Join us for an opportunity to have your questions about veterans' issues addressed by my Veterans Health and Benefits Case Coordinator, Dr. Bill Ferguson, MD. Come with questions and suggestions on any topic that affects the 17th Congressional District of Texas or our great nation.
  • Visit here for more information on the Houston County town hall,
  • and here for information on the Leon County town hall.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts, opinions, and concerns.


