Cong. Tony Gonzales, Fighting for Increased Police Funding, Meets with Attorney General

"We should all back first responders. They have my unwavering support and can count on me to fight for them in Washington, D.C."

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Tony Gonzales highlighted his ongoing work to support Law Enforcement and enhance public safety in San Antonio and Texas, particularly in Congressional District 23 during an interview with KSAT 12 News. As a staunch advocate and supporter of law enforcement, Gonzales has successfully secured millions of federal dollars for urban and rural police/sheriff departments throughout TX-23.

"Local departments should not have to fund themselves alone. There are federal dollars available to assist local departments and it is not fair for Mayors, Judges, and other local leaders to fight crime by themselves. I will fight tooth and nail to bring federal dollars back to my District to support crime prevention initiatives," said Congressman Gonzales.
Congressman Gonzales urged TX-23 police and sheriff's departments to apply for the FY23 Department of Justice Community Oriented Police Services (COPS) Grants.

The grants encompass a myriad of funding opportunities for first responders, including funding for new officers, school violence prevention initiatives, and training for law enforcement personnel. If selected, the grants would significantly assist receiving entities.

"There should be no political division when it comes to public safety. When it comes to protecting our children and families from illicit drugs, violence, and lawlessness — there is no room for debate.

"We should all back first responders. They have my unwavering support and they can count on me to fight for them in Washington, D.C.," said Gonzales.


