Cruz Probes DOJ Prosecution of Whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim over Selective Prosecution Concerns

"Now, because he acted to expose the barbaric and illegal practice of minor gender transition surgery, Dr. Haim faces the prospect of federal prison, substantial fines, and the loss of his medical license."

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — “This investigation appears to bear the markings of a politically-driven prosecution, which has unfortunately been the stock-in-trade of the present Department of Justice. This severe punishment starkly contrasts with the virtual impunity enjoyed by criminals who have fire-bombed Pregnancy Resource Centers and vandalized 100s of churches in the wake of the Dobbs decision – and the lack of arrest or prosecution of mobs of protestors that harassed Supreme Court Justices at their homes in clear violation of the law," said Sen. Ted Cruz.
“The basis upon which this investigation was launched, and the manner in which it has since been conducted, invite serious questions about selective prosecution and the weaponization of the Department of Justice against political opponents," Cruz said.

As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Cruz sent a congressional oversight letter to U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas, Alamdar S. Hamdani. The letter requested information relevant to the decision to prosecute whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim, who exposed a Texas hospital’s gender transition procedures being performed on children as young as eleven years old.

In the letter, Sen. Cruz wrote,

“The public would have remained unaware…of these procedures if not for the courageous actions of Dr. Haim.

"Less than a week after the…story broke, the Texas Legislature passed legislation confirming that transgender medical procedures for minors were illegal under Texas law.

These glaring disparities reveal a justice system that is not merely blind but rather selectively harsh, targeting those with opposing views while allowing others to flout the law with effective impunity. It is for this reason that I am concerned about the prosecution of Dr. Haim, a respected member of the medical community who has devoted his career to saving lives. Now, because he acted to expose the barbaric and illegal practice of minor gender transition surgery, Dr. Haim faces the prospect of federal prison, substantial fines, and the loss of his medical license.

“I have had longstanding concerns with the impartiality of the Department of Justice under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland. As such, while the present prosecution of Dr. Haim is troubling, it is also not surprising. Political prosecution of whistleblowers not only undermines the integrity of the Department of Justice, but also sets a dangerous precedent for intimidating others from exposing wrongdoing. It has no place in our system of justice.”

Read the full letter here

Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Eithan Haim by is licensed under

